
RETHINKING CLUSTERS: CRITICAL ISSUES AND NEW TRAJECTORIES OF CLUSTER RESEARCH International workshop University of Florence, 3rd – 4th May 2018 Ampliación de fecha del call for abstracs hasta el 28 de febrero

RETHINKING CLUSTERS: CRITICAL ISSUES AND NEW TRAJECTORIES OF CLUSTER RESEARCH International workshop University of Florence, 3rd – 4th May 2018  Ampliación de fecha del call for abstracs hasta el 28 de febrero

Call for papers International Workshop on ‘Rethinking Clusters: critical issues and new trajectories of cluster research’, Florencia, 2018



International workshop

3rd – 4th May 2018

Department of Economics and Management, University of Florence

The workshop focuses on new or emerging trajectories of change in place-based productive and innovation systems, in particular in clusters, industrial districts and other local systems. In so doing, the workshop aims at charting the way forward for cluster research.

After the rise and the progressive diffusion of the cluster concept in a variety of disciplines and countries, many contributions have stressed the negative qualities of the cluster concept, labelling it as ‘chaotic’, while others have discussed its decline in contemporary research and its loss of importance in the explanation of contemporary economies. At the same time, other contributions show a renewed interest in the analysis of the micro-foundations of clusters, and in particular on firms’ strategies. Moreover, some empirical researches show that some clusters are resilient with respect to the intense challenges coming from the economic and financial crisis, the globalization and the raising competition from developing and emerging countries.

What is then the future of clusters and industrial districts? What will be the relevance of the cluster concept in the future academic research? Is it time to rethink the cluster concept and related models of local development?

Both theoretical and empirical (qualitative / quantitative) contributions are welcome, from a wide spectrum of different disciplines at micro, meso and macro level.

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