
ERSA2019 Call for Abstracts Reminder – Events’ Agenda Update – Vacancies offer …

ERSA2019 Call for Abstracts Reminder – Events’ Agenda Update – Vacancies offer …


29 February, 2019 – Nr 02


The issue contains:

·     ERSA2019 in Lyon: Congress news

·     ERSA recent activities and Events Agenda Update

·     Vacancies offer


#ERSA2019Lyon – news


> Keynote


> Programme Overview
> Call for Submissions


ERSA EOC Meeting took place in Lyon on 2nd February. First, we would lilke to thank Louafi, Dominique and Yvan of the ERSA2019 LOC for their warm hospitality.

In addition to internal issues and future events, the meeting’s agenda included the visit of the facilities for the Congress Sessions as well as the foreseen social events’ venues. And of course we also tasted the exquisite Lyonnaise gourmet cuisine! The LOC also informed us about the ongoing developments for the Congress. » We are confident to propose a very rich Congress with high-level academic presentations but also dedicated policy Sessions. All ingredients are here to have a unique momentum for regional scientists worldwide and increase our policy-impact on society» says Dominique Mignot, co-chair of the LOC.


Pirs Keynote Session

The editorial board of Papers in Regional Science has chosen André Torre for its keynote lecture during the Congress. The presentation, scheduled on Wednesday 28 August afternoon, will feature «Is there a smart development for rural areas?»


Call for submissions: Extended deadline

Due to multiple gentle requests and the current winter holiday season (Carnival), we have decided to extend the deadline to Friday 8 March 23.59 (GMT +1).



Join us on Twitter

Start networking with fellow participants from around the world

Twitter @ersa2019Lyon #ersa2019Lyon and #LyonIwillbethere


Recently at ERSA-REGIO Lecture


Our 1st ERSA-REGIO Lecture 2019 on ‘Innovation and the region’s context’ took place on the 7th February with Enrique López-Bazo (speaker) and Mikaela Backman (discussant).


The lecture was video streamed live and our presenters both kindly accepted to share their presentations. Link to watch the video and download the presentations


Ongoing Calls for Application


ERSA Summer School Call for Application REMINDER


32nd ERSA Summer School

Cities and regions in the process of transformation

16-22 June 2019, Katowice, Poland

Call for Application Deadline: 8 March 2019

Target: PhD students and junior researchers with less than 10 years of research experience. Places are limited to 30 participants. more


Call for Application for #EURegionsWeek Master Class


17th European Week of Regions and Cities

7-10 October 2019

Call for Application Deadline: 1 May 2019

Target: PhD students and early career researchers in the field of regional and urban policy. Places are limited to 30 participants. more


ERSA will be involved in the University programme including the Master Class and the Academic Workshops.


Events Agenda 2019 Update


9th Slovak Winter Seminar of Regional Science,

13th – 16th March 2019, Low Tatras, slovakia



Dutch Speaking Section

2019 Annual Spring Meeting of the RSAN

11 April 2019, The Hague, Netherlands



13th International Conference

Challenges of Europe

22-24 May 2019, Bol, Island Brac, Croatia

Special session co-organised by the ERSA-Croatian section, EURA and RSA

Title: Monitoring systems for measuring progress in spatial, urban and regional development – Case of Croatia



Turkish Section: Annual Congress

Topic (tbc)

2-4 May 2019, Gaziantep, Turkey

Save the date!



Portuguese Section: 26th APDR Congress

Evidence-based territorial policymaking:

Formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy

4-5 July 2019, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Call for Abstracts Deadline: 16 April 2019



French Speaking Section and Romanian Section: The 56th Colloquium of the ASRDLF and the 12th Conference of the Romanian Regional Science Association

4-6 July 2019, ”Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania



2nd REGIO-ERSA Academic Lecture 2019

20 June 2019, Brussels Belgium

Speaking: Patricia Melo, Lisbon School of Economics and Management

Topic Transport investment, economic performance and regional development.

Save the date! more


RSAI British & Irish Section

47th Annual Conference

16-19 July 2019, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission: 8 March, 2019



Italian Section

A. I. S. Re XXXX Annual Scientific Conference

16-18 September 2019, L’Aquila, Italy

«Beyond the crises: Renewal, reconstruction and local development»

Call for Abstracts Deadline : 22 March, 2019

Spanish Section

Annual Conference

20-22 November 2019, Castellón de la Plana, Spain

Save the date!




Looking for a new career opportunity?


·     Open Call for Doctoral students with a focus on Economics at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) – Sweden

Application Deadline: March 31, 2019


·     Open competition for Research Scientists in economics on territorial food systems at INRA, France

·     Application Deadline, March 4, 2019
