
ERSA2019 Call for Abstracts (and) papers: Submit now!

ERSA2019 Call for Abstracts (and) papers: Submit now!



Participate at ERSA Congress in Lyon!


Don’t delay, it’s time to submit


> 7 days left to submit your abstract


We expect 1000 participants from across the globe! BE PART OF IT!

Call for Submission Deadline: 28 February 2018 


> About the topics

This year’s Congress “Cities, regions and digital transformations: Opportunities, risks and challenges” has the ambition to have a stronger interdisciplinary dimension featuring contributions from social sciences, engineering and big data.


Make your choice from a comprehensive choice of topics including:

·     68 Special Session themes

·     25 General themes


> Why submit ?

> ERSA Congress is a unique platform to share your research findings in front of a global audience and obtain valuable feedback

> At ERSA Congress, you will find a numerous opportunities to network with colleagues

> ERSA Congress is also the place to learn more on research innovations and hot topics

ERSA Congress is the biggest event

for regional scientists across the globe


> About the topics
> About the guidelines


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Twitter @ersa2019Lyon #ersa2019Lyon and #LyonIwillbethere