
Support ERSA2019 Call for Special Session Proposals

Support ERSA2019 Call for Special Session Proposals

Dear All,

Yesterday we opened the Call for Special Sessions Proposals for Lyon.  The deadline for the call is December 7, 2018.
The congress website:

ERSA2019 LOC Co-Chairs Dominique Mignot and Louafi Bouzouina will be grateful to you if you could promote the call via your website and/or social media, or in your next e-communication to your respective members.

Please find attached the banner you can use for promotion.

Last but not least, we would also be very thankful to you, if you could join us in our campaign on social media, facebook or twitter. We believe social media can also greatly help to increase our notoriety and potential.

Twitter: Follow, like tweet, retweet:  @ERSA2019Lyon  @ERSA_Org   #ersa2019lyon  #LyonIwillbethere
Facebook, post, like share : @newsERSA

ERSA Annual Congress is all ERSA Sections’ Event and together we can increase the numbers of participants from our entire network who will benefit from this unique platfom.

On behalf of the LOC, I thank you in advance for your support.

Feel free to contact me if necessary.

Best regards
