
ERSA News – Issue núm. 55 – Winter edition 2011

ISSUE n°55
Winter Edition 2011
Dear Members,
Dear Colleagues,

Remember Barcelona: we again had a huge success, due to YOUR participation.

We had fantastic keynote speakers, the scientific program was of high quality, and Professor Jordi Suriñach i Caralt and Professor Vicente Royuela Mora, and their team made an excellent job as local organizers.

All of us, who participated in the Gala Dinner will remember that party at the Museu Naconal d’art de Catalunya overlooking the city of Barcelona.

The support from the Spanish Regional Science Association (AECR), at the congress was greatly appreciated.

For the EIB-ERSA Prize Winner in regional science it was awarded to Professor Piet Rietveld and for the Epainos Prize Winner it was awarded to Tiago Freire.

For 2012, we have many projects scheduled to enhance the image of our Sections and the ERSA office!

We are preparing as well for the Congress of Bratislava, and the Summer School in Umeå, Sweden.

Seasonal Greetings and A Happy New Year to you all!

Professor Charlie Karlsson

Professor/President of ERSA

Christmas photo

ERSA 2012 Congress Bratislava
ERSA Office

Call for Paper 2012

ERSA 2012 Congress Bratislava
52nd European Congress of the Regional Science Association

Key Dates for the call:

  • Open submission of abstracts and papers: 10 January 2012
  • Deadline of submission of abstracts and Papers (for R-sessions Young Scientist Sessions, and Special Sessions): 17th February 2012
Preliminary information on the general themes and the topics of the special sessions are already available on our congress page.


ERSA Sections – Thank YOU
Red Christmas tree

From the ERSA office, we want to thank you to all for making the Barcelona Congress a huge success. As well as, the Summer School in Luxembourg.

We are looking forward to working with you in 2012!
Richard KELLY & Maristella ANGOTZI


CALL OPEN – European Real Estate Society

13-16th June, 2012 in Edinburgh, Scotland

The Institute for Housing, Urban and Real Estate Research at Heriot-Watt University are proud to host this event in conjunction with The School of Architecture, Design and Built Environment at…..

The Symposium "The paths of territorial development"

Clermont-Ferrand from 19 to 21 June 2012

This scientific event will be an opportunity to present and discuss the results of all projects involved in the "For and About Regional Development" program between 2007 and 2011, in the ten….

RSAI November 2011 – NEWSLETTER

The Newsletter includes the summary of the ERSA conference in Barcelona and, among other things. Or you can go to……

Further information on all our news can be found at the ERSA Website

The ERSA office welcomes your contribution.

You can send us an email to, if you have any Books, Dissertations, Special Issues of Journals, & where you have been published. We can then circulate this as Press Releases from the ERSA office.
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Richard KELLY & Maristella ANGOTZI

Christmas photo