
REMINDER | Election of the RSAI Councilors-at-large – until October 25, 2016 at 17.00 h.

REMINDER | Election of the RSAI Councilors-at-large – until October 25, 2016 at 17.00 h.

Dear Member of RSAI,


The RSAI main office received 4 nominations to serve as at-large members on the RSAI Council.


All these nominations were accepted by RSAI Council. The 4 nominees will now run for election to fill 1 seat that will be vacant for the period of 2017-2019.  


As a member of RSAI you are invited to exercise your right to vote for up to one candidate off the slate of 4. The election is conducted electronically. Your vote will be accepted until October 25, 2016, at 17h00 (GMT). To vote, please click the link below, provide the email address that you receive these email, and review the credential of all 4 candidates:


Electronic bulletin – VOTE


Thank you for your consideration and participation in this important part of the life of your association.


Best regards,


Elisabete Martins

RSAI Secretariat

University of Azores | Rua Capitão João D'Ávila

9700-042-Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

Phone/Fax: (+351) 295 332 001 | E-mail: