Best rates until 21st May! Don’t wait any longer
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Enriching Knowledge and exchanges for ALL: Presenting authors and Observers! Be part of it!
– Share innovative research approaches and results
– Debate topics with experts from across the globe – Reach out valuable knowledge and exchang
– Explore new directions
Who should attend
– All researchers working on spatial issues
– Practitioners including, policy administrators, urban planners, … – Policy makers
– Consultants
The Preliminary Congress Programme Overview is now available Here
- Keynotes confirmed: Ann Markusen on Tuesday 21st May, James P. LeSage and Ron Boschma on Thursday 23rd May
- A broad and challenging programme’ sessions with the contribution of scholars from around the world, and representing various disciplines related to regional science.
- In figures, more than 50 topics divided into Congress General themes and Special Sessions’ topics.
- The Policy Day on Urban Futures 2050 with Ake Andersson, Peter Batey, Yoshiro Higano, Jean-Claude Thisse and many more. This interactive event will gather academics and practitioners willing to contribute and exchange on the new urban world issues. For more details, click Here
- And the participation of AESOP, EIB, ESPON,the International Federation for Housing and Planning and the Urban Economic Association.
Become a Partner of ERSA in Bratislava!
- To complement the scientific programme, Bratislava will also offer participants an additional place for valuable knowledge and networking.
Whether you represent a Publisher, an Institution, or an Association, do not miss this change to showcase your organisation! Maximize your exposure by exhibiting during the Congress. For more more details of our offer, please download ERSA 2012 Congress Partners or contact richard.kelly
- Like Edward Elgar Publishing, Geo:connexion InternationalInomics, Springer
Join ERSA in Bratislava!
How to register
Two easy ways to register:
- 1. You have made a submission and/or have an access key already.Go to the Congress Participant Area and enter your personal Access Key. Click on the "Register" button of the upper toolbar to have access to the Registration Form. If you do not remember your Access Key or have lost it, click on "Forgot Access Key".
- 2. You don’t have an access key yet. Click HERE to register!
Not yet a member?
- RSAI/ERSA membership has a value. Become a member before making your registration and benefit from a members’rate.
More details of RSAI Personal Membership click
To get extensive information on the benefits of membership, please feel free to contact RSAI, one of the 18 ERSA Sections or the ERSA office
Book your hotel now!
Enjoy Bratislava differently, see our offer on cultural tours!
- Please note: We recommend to book your hotel room well in advance. The allocation of rooms will be made on a "first come, first served" basis. Rates are guaranteed until May 31st, 2012.
- To book your hotel and make a reservation for an optional tour: Accommodation & Tours
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