Publicaciones IAES – Documentos de trabajo

Documentos de Trabajo |
Alfredo Baronio, Flavio Buchieri, Gustavo Ferro and Ana Vianco
ABSTRACT We contribute to the empirical literature exploring jointly the three nexuses between insurance development with economic growth, institutional, and human development, which in the past were analyzed separately. We built one database for 59 countries and selected evidence from 254 variables using principal component analysis. We hypothesize that “better institutions bring more opportunities for the development of the insurance sector through its impulse to economic growth and human development, which in turn generate an insurance demand increase to protect the enhanced amount and value of human and physical capital.” We estimate a cross-country recursive econometric model to corroborate the hypothesis. Keywords: Insurance, Growth, Institutions, Human Development
Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social (IAES)
Universidad de Alcalá
Fac. CC. Económicas, Empresariales y Turismo
Pza. de la Victoria, 2
28802 – Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Tlf: 91-885-52-25;