PhD-Economics Virtual Seminar

PhD-EVS is an international online platform for PhD candidates and early career researchers to present their research. The aim of these seminars is to provide a platform to enhance the opportunity for PhD students and early career economists to present their work and receive feedback from their colleagues and other academics.
Registration for presenting at the PhD-Economics Virtual Seminar (PhD-EVS)
PhD-EVS presentations currently take place on Thursday:

Please fill in this form if you wish to register to present at the PhD-EVS.By filling this form you agree that PhD-EVS will collect and store your data. If you wish to remove your data from our records, please email us at
If you have any questions or doubts, please feel free to email us at
Note: To receive announcements related to PhD-EVS, including Zoom links for the talks, please register using the attendance form here:
More Information: PhD-Economics Virtual Seminar