Investigaciones Regionales – Propuesta para un número extraordinario

Apreciados socios,
Se va a realizar un monográfico de Investigaciones Regionales vinculado al Encuentro de Economía Aplicada con el título “Causes and consequences of the economic crisis: A regional perspective”
Esta es la página web del congreso donde hay más de información (
Aquí va la propuesta:
Investigaciones Regionales/Journal of Regional Research SPECIAL ISSUE
“Causes and consequences of the economic crisis: A regional perspective”
A Special Issue of the journal Investigaciones Regionales/Journal of Regional Research will be published under the guest editorship of Hipólito Simón (University of Alicante; and Máximo Camacho (University of Murcia; among the papers presented at the Applied Economics Meeting (Encuentro de Economía Aplicada) 2015.
Authors whose papers are accepted for presentation at the conference are encouraged to submit their papers for the Special Issue. It will contain about ten papers of normal length, so strong competition in terms of quality is expected. Manuscripts should not have been previously published nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Once the invited authors have agreed to participate in the Special Issue, all papers will follow a blind-review process. The normal standards of the Journal apply, with the exception of the language of the manuscripts, which must be written in English.
The topic of the Special Issue is “Causes and consequences of the economic crisis: A regional perspective” and it invites theoretical and empirical researchs that contribute to our understanding of the causes and impacts of the economic downturn from a regional perspective.
The deadline for submission of papers to the special issue is the same as the deadline to submit papers to the Applied Economics Meeting (March 2) to be held in Alicante in June 4-5, 2015.
Un saludo cordial,
Hipólito Simón
Departamento de Análisis Económico Aplicado
Universidad de Alicante
Tfno.: 965903400 ext. 2707