International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts to be held at the University of Castilla La Mancha (Spain) 4-6 October, 2017

We are pleased to announce the International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts to be held at the University of Castilla La Mancha (Spain) 4-6 October, 2017.
Considering that High-speed Rail has been in operation for more than half a century in Japan and thirty-five years in Europe, this Congress aims to discuss and debate the long-term Technological, Socio-economic and Transport/Territorial impacts of High-speed Rail and to develop a better understanding of the planning criteria for the future.
Papers are welcome on a wide range of HSR related themes and will be accepted based on peer review:
1.-HSR infrastructure and services evolution on a medium and long-term perspective
2.-Changes in accessibility and management of intermodality due to the introduction of HSR
3.-Interpreting travel demand in different territorial and social contexts
4.-Impact of HSR on social, economic and territorial balance and/or inequality.
5.-Conventional and unusual HSR users: passengers and freight.
6.-Local characteristics of HSR cities and the social, economic, policy and territorial implications
7.-Maintenance and productivity of rail tracks and infrastructure.
8.-Evaluation and comparison of different infrastructure options
9.-New developments on HSR infrastructure design and construction.
10.-Maintenance and productivity of stations.
11.-Evaluation of usefulness and maintenance of rolling material and energy, communications and signalling superstructure.
12.-The European HSR system technical consolidation.
13.-Advances in HSR technology and the return of the HSR experience
14.-Impact of HSR in technology development and transfer and in international commerce.
15.-Procedures and good practices for HSR governance.
16.-Impacts of HSR on sustainability and pollution.
17.-Case studies of overall social, economic, territorial, image and sustainability evaluation.
18.-Methodologies for evaluating the medium and long-term social benefits from HSR.
Publication. The organizers have contacted the Editors of several journals regarding the possibility of special issues. In case of acceptance, selected papers would be subject to the usual double blind peer-review process. Authors interested in this possibility should consider requirements established in the Congress Web Page (Extended Abstract). The Congress proceedings will also be published.
Important dates
Abstract submission (Normal Abstract 500 words, Extended Abstract 2000 words): April 5th, 2017
Acceptance Notice (after peer review): May 5th, 2017
Registration: Early bird up to June 30th
Full-paper submission: July 28th, 2017.
Meeting days: Wednesday 6th to Friday 8th, October 2017.
For more details see the Congress web page: