I Worhshop on innovation and Regional Growth – Friday 26th May 2023

09:00 Welcome and opening
09:15 Regional growth, quality of government, and the performance of universities – Emili Tortosa, University Jaume I
10:00 Energy innovation at the regional level: a comparison of driving factors and barriers – Jose A. Camacho & Mercedes Rodríguez, University of Granada
10:45 The public tools to promote R&D investment in manufacturing Spanish firms – Inmaculada Alvarez, Autonomous University of Madrid
11:30 Coffee-break
12:00 Smart Cities & Mind Map for Data-Analytics of Local Corona Patterns – Karima Kourtit, Open University of Netherlands
12:45 The Blessing in Disguise Hypothesis – Do Disasters and Threats Favour Resilience? – Peter Nijkamp, Vrije University of Amsterdam
13:30 Brief presentation of the research lines of the Chair for the analysis of innovation and open session for ideas and discussion – Fernando Rubiera, Esteban Fernández & Andre Carrascal, REGIOlab – University of Oviedo
14:15 Closing