
I Summer School – Grupo de Análise e Modelización Económica – I Summer School – Grupo de Análise e Modelización Económica – USC

During the week from July 10th to 14th, 2017, the Group of Analysis and Modelization in Economics of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) will run its 1st GAME Summer School, comprised of two simultaneous courses focused on macroeconomic modelling in Eviews, and an introduction to Python for Economic Research. These two courses will run in parallel, during the morning and the afternoon. The structure of the summer school will allow interested users in following both courses at a reduced fee.

During the week from July 10th to 14th, 2017, the Group of Analysis and Modelization in Economics of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) will run its 1st GAME Summer School, comprised of two simultaneous courses focused on macroeconomic modelling in Eviews, and an introduction to Python for Economic Research. These two courses will run in parallel, during the morning and the afternoon. The structure of the summer school will allow interested users in following both courses at a reduced fee.

The courses are structured in 5 sessions of 4 hours each, with two daily sections of 2 hours separated by a 30-minute break. The lectures and practical workshops will be given at the computer rooms of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the USC, which are equipped with the required software. Alternatively, if any student wishes to use his/her computer he may do so.

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