GSSI are launching a GSSI webinar series on «Regional Science and Economic Geography»

Dear friends and colleagues,
A the GSSI we are launching a GSSI webinar series on «Regional Science and Economic Geography».
The GSSI is about to launch «The Social Sciences webinar series» starting on May 5, 2020, with the intent of spurring the debate about key topics in Regional Science and Economic Geography and keep us intellectually active, while staying safe and physically distanced as this difficult lockdown time requires. The sessions will feature key scholars in the field coming from some of the best universities all over the world.
The webinars are free and public. For registration and information on how to participate and intervene please write to:
We kindly ask you to spread this event through your contacts in case you find it interesting.
Alessandra Faggian
Prorettore con Delega alla Ricerca
Direttore Area Scienze Sociali
Professore di Economia Applicata
Gran Sasso Science Institute
Palazzo del Rettorato