GEONNO2022: 6th Geography of Innovation Conference to be held in Milan, Italy, in January 2022!!! Deadline September 5, 2021

Dear friends,
Quick reminder that the deadline to submit papers to our migration&innovation session for GEOINNO2022 is approaching! (September 5, 2021)
This year, GEOINNO features 4 great keynote speakers: Thomas Kemeny (Queen Mary University, London), Raquel Ortega Argiles (University of Birmingham), Meghan MacGarvie (Boston University) and Matt Marx (Cornell University). (at least 2 of them directly worked on our topics!)
Don’t miss it and send your papers!
We will be organizing Special Sessions on the topic of migration and innovation, and of course we welcome your submissions:
So submit your papers!
All the best,
Andrea, Francesco, Stefano, and Ernest