GEONNO2022: 6th Geography of Innovation Conference to be held in Milan, Italy, in January 2022!!!

Dear migration and innovation friends,
The call for papers for the 6th Geography of Innovation Conference is now open.
All submissions (regular and special sessions) must be done electronically via the link below.
Language for the paper/abstract: English
Deadline: 5th September 2021
All submissions will be peer-reviewed.
Regular sessions: Papers and extended abstracts will be reviewed by a members of the scientific or organising committee.
Special sessions: Papers and extended abstracts will be reviewed by the special session organisers.
Please note: The acceptance/rejection notification will be sent by email individually only to the submitting author.
We are delighted to announce that the M&I activities continue, this time with a call for papers to participate to the Geography of Innovation conference, to be held in Milan, Italy, in January 2022!!!
We will be organizing Special Sessions on the topic of migration and innovation, and of course we welcome your submissions:
So submit your papers!
All the best,
Andrea, Francesco, Stefano, and Ernest