ERSA – RSAI potential resources to co-finance Workshops / Summer Schools

Dear all,
After a great meeting in Lisbon, hosted by the Tomaz, Francisco and the LOC, we had many things to discuss and see within Lisbon.
And we know that you will give your full support in bringing all your Section members to the Congress in August.
We would like to bring to your attention the speech from the new RSAI President Andrés Rodriguez-Pose, please see the link below;
Within his speech Andrés has highlighted several key areas that are to be implemented within RSAI, mainly the nurturing new talent in order to ensure the future vitality of Regional Science.
The council has therefore pledged resources to co-finance workshops and summer institutes intended to provide substantive training to pre-doctoral researchers, including the presentation of their work and receiving feedback from senior scholars and their peers. It is expected that the selected workshops and institutes will have considerable geographical coverage.
Organisers of workshops and summer schools fulfilling the above aims are invited to submit a two-page case for support by April 30th 2015 to RSAI (
All applications will be reviewed by the RSAI Executive, who will make a decision on the candidates to fund. Their decision will be final.
The council has therefore pledged resources to co-finance workshops and summer institutes intended to provide substantive training to pre-doctoral researchers, including the presentation of their work and receiving feedback from senior scholars and their peers. It is expected that the selected workshops and institutes will have considerable geographical coverage.