ISSUE n°54
Autumn Edition 2011
Dear Colleagues,
Firstly, we would like to thank once again the LOC Barcelona Committee which did a tremendous work for the scheduling and selecting of papers. And thank all of you who contributed to the Barcelona Congress. The success of this Congress belongs to YOU! Some highlights! – Around 1000 participants from 49 countries around the world – Over 900 papers/abstracts presented in Barcelona – Increasing number of young professors and PhD Students (38% under 34 years old) – Women well represented in the Congress 35% – Main reasons of attending: 1. Sharing work 2. Enriching knowledge 3. Networking Further details on participation figures and the survey results can be found on the ERSA website Barcelona 2011 Survey Results
Remember Barcelona, please click HERE to the LOC’s video of this great event.
Richard KELLY , Executive Director ERSA AISBL
ERSA 2012 Congress Bratislava |
We are preparing for our Congress in Bratislava for 2012
The LOC of Bratislava are inviting you to send proposals for the SPECIAL SESSIONS to be held at the
ERSA 2012 Bratislava Congress.
If you are interested in organizing such a SPECIAL SESSION, the LOC of Bratislava would like to hear from you relating to the theme, and the names of the people responsible for running these sessions.
The LOC of Bratislava is aiming to have these sessions based on existing projects or existing networks. One of the advantages, they would like offer to these projects or networks, is the possibility to be promoted during the congress or to hold a special meeting during the congress for free.
The person to to contact in Bratislava is Miroslav Sipikal, his email address is
ERSA sections activities
Lithuania Section 11th ERNESTAS GALVANAUSKAS – 17-18 November, 2011 in Siauliai, Lithuania on "Increasing Regional Competitiveness: Interaction between Science and Business (Practical Approach)"
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) jointly with the Romanian Regional Science Association and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration – West University of Timisoara announces the 9th World Congress, "CHANGING SPATIAL PATTERNS IN A GLOBALISING WORLD".
All necessary info on this event can be found at
Deadline for abstract submission: November 21, 2011
Latest News
2nd Conference of the Regional Science Association of the Americas, 2011. In Miami, Florida, USA from Wednesday November 9th to Saturday November 12th, 2011.
European Metropolitan Network Institute 24 November 2011
When youths disturb city life:´Effective approaches to juvenile crime prevention´ Cities across Europe have various approaches in dealing with the disorderly conduct of certain groups of young….
Geography of Innovation from January 26th to 28th, 2012
EuroLIO and its European partners are organising the first seminar on the Geography of Innovation to be held in Saint-Etienne, from January 26th to 28th, 2012. The aim of the seminar is twofold…..
In maintaining and extending a specific group of senior research fellowships intended for excellent researchers, the VUB demonstrates its commitment to pioneering research initiated and carried forward by the curiosity of the individual research worker. The availability of these senior research fellowships is designed not only to encourage research in general but also to broaden the opportunities for a university career in research and to enable the university to implement a staffing policy to this end.
In this context, applications are invited for the post of full time Senior Research Fellow, to be appointed on grounds of personal excellence in a research theme given priority in the University’s research policy.
Starting date: 1 October 2012
Further details:
Sept 2011
Assistant professorship in Regional Economics and the Spatial Dimension of Economics
At the Department of Border Region Studies (IFG), University of Southern Denmark, Campus Sønderborg, applications are invited for a position as assistant professor within the priority area Regional Economics and the Spatial Dimension of Economics. The position has a time limit of three years. Expected start is January 2012.
Further information can be found here at:
Future Events
ERSA Summer School 2012
at the UMEA University, Sweden
From 3 to 13 July 2012
ERSA 2013 Congress
at the University of Palermo in Sicily, Italy
From 27 to 31 August 2013
ERSA 2014 Congress
at the Saint Petersburg State University in Russia
From 26 to 29 August 2014
ERSA Summer School 2014
In Pozan, Poland
From 8 to 18 July 2014
ERSA News welcomes your contribution. Write a letter, an artice or simply draw our attention to events you would like to publicise or websites and other ressources of interest to regional researchers and practitioners.
ERSA office team