Winter integration meeting ERSA Winter regionalists meeting with families and children – ERSA family
If you are interested, please Contact: Dr. Catherine Kopczewska.
10th International Conference with the topic "Regional Development and "Europe 2020"
From 8 to 9 May 2015 in Suceava, Romania
Further details please go to the website of the Romanian Section
National Regional Science / Regional Planning Congress on
18-19 December
"Emerging Economies and Regional Policy: Turkey Agenda" hosted at the Istanbul Technical University in Istanbul.
You can actively participate in the reconstruction period of the first congress and we are happy for your contribution.
For further information
ERSA New Online Journal – REGION
Will your article be the next one?
Don't miss this chance of being published in the ERSA


Call for Special Session proposals
With the umbrella theme "World Renaissance: Changing rules for people and places", next year's Congress programme is now taking shape under the leadership of the Lisbon Local Organising Committee
Slovakia Section
Call for abstracts – 5th Winter Seminar of Regional Science
Abstract submission deadline: December 31, 2014
The main objective of the annual Winter Seminar is to bring creative academic debate on actual issues of regional science and practice of regional policy by an attractive environment and relaxed atmosphere. Accepted articles will be published in the conference proceedings "5th Winter Seminar of Regional Science 2015" with ISBN. Selected papers will be invited to publish in the peer reviewed journal Region Direct in 2015.
Regional development in an international context Regional, national, cross border and international factors for growth and development
June 11-13, 2015
Venue: University of Southern Denmark, Alsion, Sønderborg, Denmark
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 16th, 2015
The aim of the 18th Uddevalla Symposium is to gather high-quality contributions that bring new theoretical and/or new empirical knowledge of these issues. A central purpose of the symposium is to investigate how economic growth and development are affected by inter and intraregional linkages and spillovers. In this context theoretical and empirical investigations of the economic, social and institutional environment on different layers in economic regions are needed. Of particular interest are studies of innovation, entrepreneurship and human capital, together with assessments of the integration of the regional economy at large into the European and global production system. In this perspective studies of different types of regions with regard to factor endowment, firms and instructional setting as well as the nature of interregional activities (i.e. trade, commuting, innovation cooperation or FDI etc.) are of particular interest.
Click here for further information 18th Uddevalla Symposium 2015
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What Europe is saying……Scotland for research, innovation and a resource-efficient economy…..
EU to invest over 1 billion euro in Scotland for research, innovation and a resource-efficient economy
The European Commission has today adopted the 2014-2020 'Operational Programme' for Scotland worth over 1 billion euro, with some €477 million coming from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The investments will boost research, technological development and innovation, particularly in sectors of regional importance, such as offshore wind, wave and tidal energy production, marine bio-sciences and the food and drink sector.
More here
DG Regional
Academic position at the University of Brussels (Belgium) in development economics. Full details are included in the attached document.
University of Brussels (Belgium)