Words of welcome by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, new RSAI President…..MORE
We are happy to announce that the 1st issue of The Journal of ERSA powered by WU, is now complete. The success reached with the 1st issue is really promising for the future. The next issue can be yours, take this opportunity submit your paper to Region, 100 % open access:
1st REGION issue : More
Workshop on "Ageing and the Economy" at the Jönköping International Business School.
It will take place at the Jönköping International Business School in Jönköping, Sweden, between 28-29 May 2015.
Edward Glaeser's lecture on the 'Triumph of the City' that will be hosted by the University of Rome on March 25th, 2015
Participation to this event is open and free.
The lecture will be live- streamed online.
One of our marketing and PR specialist's will help evaluate your present operations, make recommendations for improvements, and you grow your business.
Find a specialist in your area.
One of our marketing and PR specialist's will help evaluate your present operations, make recommendations for improvements, and you grow your business.
Find a specialist in your area.

ERSA Congress 2015 – LAST CALL
Only a few days left to register your submission on our
Participant Congress Area
Don't miss this chance to be part of it!
Tomaz Ponce Dentihno
As Chair of the Local Organising Committee and President of APDR would like to adress you an inspiring video message of welcome
Feel the atmosphere and the energy of the upcoming ERSA World platform in a fantastic,dynamic and ambitious city like Lisbon! To view the video, click HERE
<img width="118" height="39" data-cke-saved-src="https://files.ctctcdn.com/27efd0e8001/3bf01d77-fdab-4049-bf94-cd90ce1454a5.gif" src="https://files.ctctcdn.com/27efd0e8001/3bf01d77-fdab-4049-bf94-cd90ce1454a5.gif" align="left" style="display:block" '="" border="0" data-cke-saved-name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.236" name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.236" v:shapes="_x0000_s1028"> 
- Upcoming Events and Calls
28th ERSA & ERES Summer School
Developers, Planners and the City
2-14 July 2015, Vienna, Austria
The call starts on 5 March.
ERSA Italian Section – AISRE Seminar
La frontiera del dibattito in Economia Regionale e Urbana (The frontier of the debate in Regional Economics and Urban)
5-6 March 2015, Polytechnic of Milan
Target: Graduate students enrolled in the second or 3rd year .
Polish Section of ERSA – Conference
3rd International Conference on
"Urban and Regional Economics"
11-12 June 2015, Katowice, Poland
The conference has the aim to bring together scientific and professional knowledge on functional urban areas as well as relevant national and regional urban policies.
Submission Deadline : 31 March 2015
and for the ERSA Young researcher prize (PhD Students)
German Speaking Section of ERSA
GfR Winterseminar 2015 – great success!….with great presentations, networking, and even fresh snow.
Day 4 – presentations by Uwe Blien (Germany), Peter Mayerhofer (Austria), Jörg Schoder (Austria) and Ronald Weberndorfer (Austria).
Day 3 – presentations by Tanja Sinozic (Austria), Dieter Pennerstorfer (Austria) and Irena Dokic (Croatia); member assembly and networking
Day 2 – presentations by Jens Horbach and Markus Janser (Germany), Matthias Firgo and Oliver Fritz (Austria) and Martin Falk (Austria).
Day 1 – four presentations by Martin Adler (Netherlands), Hyok-Joo Rhee (South Korea), Matthias Wrede (Germany) and Georg Hirte (Germany).
Further information can be found at HERE, about the programme, additional photos, and all presentations.