
Don’t miss ongoing CALLS – Events Update

Don’t miss ongoing CALLS – Events Update






25 January 2017 Issue n° 1











57th ERSA Congress

Social Progress for Resilient Regions

                                                         Only 10 Days to Submit


The 57th ERSA congress offers 34 special sessions and 20 General Themed sessions; covering a wide range of crucial and hot topics in the field of Regional Science. Furthermore, the program offers a key note lecture by Tony Venables (on the 29th of August)! A new addition to the program is the policy day (on the 31st of August) where present day social issues can be discussed with policy makers, representatives from EU, OECD & EIB and the academic community together.


Whether you are a senior scholar or a young scientist: Groningen is the place to be! 

Join us and contribute to the largest event in Regional Science. 

Be part of it!


Call for Abstracts and Papers Deadline: 10 February 2017   Submit Now!

Follow the road to ERSA2017 on  Twitter  and Facebook






The Call for Applications is OPEN!Discover the University and the Island


ERSA Greek Section in collaboration with the Department of Geography of the University of Aegan is happy to organise and host the

30th ERSA Summer School

9-15 July 2017, University of the Aegean, 

Lesvos island, Greece


Central topic: 

GIS and Regional Science: Theory and Applications 


Call for Application Deadline: 

10 March  2017 

Places are limited. Apply now! 

Summer school website 







ERSA Sections Events  & CALLS






German Speaking Section – Annual Winter Seminar 

18-24 February 2017, Spital am Pyhrn (Austria)





Slovak Section – 7th Slovak Winter Seminar of Regional Science

15-18 March 2017, High Tatras Resort, Slovakia (GPS: 49.1681 N, 20.2745 E)

Update: 'We are thrilled to announce that professor Ugo Fratesi from the Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering at Politecnico di Milano will be the keynote speaker at the 7th Slovak Winter Seminar of Regional Science!'


Romanian Section – 11th International Conference of 

the Romanian Regional Science Association

 12-13 May 2017, Pitesti (Romania)

The Romanian Regional Science Association announces its 11th International Conference which is organised in partnership with the 'Constantin Brancoveanu' University of Pitesti and Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency. 


Central Topic: Future Dynamics of Regional Development and Planning
Keynote speaker: Professor Roger Stough, George Mason University, U.S.. 

Call for Papers Deadline: 31 January 2017



French & Greek Speaking Sections  – 

The 54th Colloquium of ASRDLF and 15th Conference of ERSA GR, jointly organised in Athens.

Central Topic: Cities and regions in a changing Europe: challenges and prospects
5-7 July 2017, Athens (Greece) 


Call for Abtracts Deadline: 1 March 2017 more


Portuguese Section – 24th APDR Congress 

6-7 July 2017, Ubi, Corvilha, Portugal


Central Topic: Intellectual Capital and Regional Development : New Landscape and challenges for Planning the Space


Call for Special Session Proposals Deadline:28 February 2017

Call for Abstracts Submission Deadline: 28 March 2017





Stay updated with ERSA Events Calendar more   

For more events outside Europe, visit RSAI website



Other Events  & CALLS



2017 International Award on Local Development 

It aims to encourage scholars, experts, young researchers, public institutions, public and private actors and businesses to improve awareness of territorial development policies, by focusing on analytic tools and processes, and enhancing the capability to diagnose and compare them at  international level

The documentation needs to be submitted in one of the following languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

To participate in this award: Http://


3rd Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market of ZEW

30 – 31 March 2017

Central Topic: Spatial Dimensions  of Inequality

Keynote speakers : Gilles Duranton, Andres Rodriguez-Pose and Jens Suedekum








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ERSA AISBL, Voie du Roman Pays 34, L1.03.01, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1348 Belgium