Call for applications: PhD Fellowship: Doctoral program in Applied Economics (UAB)

Call for applications: PhD Fellowship: Doctoral program in Applied Economics (UAB)
The PhD program in Applied Economics (UAB) offers a full funded PhD position starting from October 2024 (expected) to August 2028 in the framework of the Horizon 2030 project RURALITIC.
The applicant is expected to develop a doctoral thesis focusing on the understanding of the drivers of rural attractiveness measured through residential mobility and firm mobility and its evolution across time, notably as a result of Covid-19 and public incentive policies whose effectiveness will be measured. The general framework of analysis will be implemented by means of gravity-style models to disentangle the pull and push factors that drive the residential attractiveness in France and Spain. In addition, the analysis is also aimed to quantify the weight of the determinants of housing or land pressure due to migration flows in rural and urban municipalities to enable policy makers to identify where action should be targeted to make housing accessible and affordable. In this line, the research will also devote attention to the effect on public budgets of changes in population density over the period 2010-2023 (in France and Spain) and the correspondent financial burden (at municipal level) to still provide collective public services (public transport, health, education…).
This research will be performed jointly with researchers at UAB and INRAE (France).
Master in Economics or Applied Economics (completed or about to be completed by July 2024) Knowledge: ARCGIS, STATA or R-studio
Working language: English
Gross salary (year): 17.700 € (approx.)
Applicants interested in this position: please contact Rosella Nicolini (
Deadline for applications: September 30, 2024.
More information in the attachment