
5th Jean Paelinck Seminar on Regional Modeling/Spatial Econometrics – 26–27 OCTOBER, 2012, Coimbra, Portugal

5th Jean Paelinck Seminar on Regional Modeling/Spatial Econometrics – 26–27 OCTOBER, 2012, Coimbra, Portugal

CALL FOR PAPERS – JOIN MEETING for 5th Jean Paelinck Seminar on Regional Modeling/Spatial Econometrics and NECTAR Cluster 6 Meeting: Accessibility and Spatial Development, 26–27 OCTOBER, 2012, Coimbra, Portugal


This join meeting aims to gather interest in the areas of Spatial Econometrics, Accessibility and Spatial Development. It also aims to promote the link between Spanish and Portuguese in these research issues.  

The research group Gaec (Grupo de Análisis Económico Cuantitativo) is organizing the 5th Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in Honour of Dr J.H.P. Paelinck, in Coimbra (Portugal). The conference aims to provide a forum for debate between young and consolidated researchers and it is open to both theoretical and applied papers which deal explicitly with questions of spatial modeling.

The focus of the 5th Jean Paelinck seminar will be “Applied Research and Modeling Advances on Accessibility Impact in Development”. This year it is organized together with the meeting of the NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research; www.nectar‐ Cluster 6 on Accessibility.

More infomation:    


El seminario internacional titulado ‘APPLIED RESEARCH AND MODELING ADVANCES ON ACCESSIBILITY IN SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT – JOINT MEETING’ ( Este seminario representa la unión de dos seminarios internacionales diferentes, cuyos temas están relacionados: el denominado ‘Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honor of Doctor J.H.P. Paelinck’ (dedicado al tema de la Econometría espacial) y el denominado ‘NECTAR – Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research, Cluster 6 on Accessibility Meeting ‘ (dedicada al tópico de la accesibilidad en el desarrollo de las regiones europeas). Está previsto que la reunión tenga lugar en Coimbra, entre el 26 y el 27 de octubre de 2012, organizada por el Departamento de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de Coimbra.

Estos dos seminarios tienen como objetivo principal la investigación científica en aspectos de metodología, también dedican están muy interesados en casos de estudio, en aplicaciones que muestren la relación entre la accesibilidad y el desarrollo económico territorial, utilizando métodos de análisis territorial, como la econometría espacial.