
2nd GAME Summer School- Grupo de Análise e Modelización Económica – I Summer School – Grupo de Análise e Modelización Económica – USC

Dear Colleague

During the week from June 25th to 29th, 2018, the Group of Analysis and Modelization in Economics of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) will run its 2nd GAME Summer School, comprised of two simultaneous courses focused on An Introduction to Panel Data Econometrics in Eviews, and an Introduction to Spatial Econometrics in R. These two courses will run in parallel, during the morning and the afternoon. The structure of the summer school will allow interested users in following both courses at a reduced fee.

The course orientation is twofold. Firstly, PhD and Master students in subjects related to Economics and/or Business Administration, who will apply the reviewed techniques in their dissertations and research papers. Secondly, practitioners and professionals who wish to renew their previous expertise on econometrics, or wish to explore new labour opportunities in the economic consultancy, technical advisory, impact evaluation sectors, etc.


This year the hosting venue is the Faculty of Business Administration, at the Campus Terra, Lugo.


Additional information is available at the course webiste


or contacting the School coordinator, Roberto Bande, at

We look forward to receiving you in Lugo in June

Feel free to distribute this information among colleagues and students who you may feel could be interested.

Best regards




Roberto Bande Ramudo, PhD
Lecturer in Economics
GAME-IDEGA and Department of Economics
University of Santiago de Compostela
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Avenida do Burgo s/n
15782 Santiago de Compostela
A Coruña
Phone: +34 881 811 666
Fax: +34 981 547 134