
ERSA Monthly E-news – September 2024

ERSA Monthly E-news – September 2024
ERSA Monthly news & updates
September Issue – 07/2024

In this issue you will find

  • On ERSA Agenda
  • Internal Communication
  • Journals news
  • Calls & Miscellaneous News
  • New members’ publications
  • New job opportunities

We wish you a good reading

ERSA Events

#ERSA2025 returns to ONSITE participation only.THE CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS will start on 7 October. Stay tuned!

Preliminary info already available on

#ERSA2025 Congress website

22nd European Week of Regions and Cities

Empowering Communities

7-10 October 2024, Brussels, Belgium

ERSA Will involve in an outstanding session «The end of the trade-offs? Competing and converging for European democracy» including topics around #social territorial #cohesionpolicy #convergence #competitivenesspolicies #geographiesof happiness #discontent…

Registration is free but mandatory.

Registration deadline: 30 September 2024

EURegionsWeek is an unmissable event for

Academics, researchers, postgraduate students

and practitioners in the field of European

cohesion policy

More on the session
ERSA Summer School 2025

Sustainability, Innovation and Regional Development

29 June – 4 July 2025, Dresden, Germany

The event’s website will be released soon.

Internal Communication

New Chairman for the British and Irish Section (RSAI-BIS)

At their recent conference in July in Bristol, the British and Irish Section elected Declan Jordan as their new Chairperson. Declan is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at Cork University Business School in University College Cork in Ireland. He has been involved with the Section for many years having previously acted as the Section’s Secretary and a committee member for many years. He will be known to ERSA members as the Chair of the LOC for ERSA 2018 in Cork. One of his first tasks as Chair of the British and Irish Section will be to organise the hosting of the 51st RSAI-BIS Conference in June 2025 in Cork to which he hopes to welcome many ERSA friends and colleagues. Declan succeeded Professor Maria Abreu of the University of Cambridge as Chair, who expertly steered the Section through the difficult COVID period and ensured the Section’s continued health.

We wish Declan Jordan and all new board members a fruitful term! more

Sections’ events

Spanish Section: XLVIII International Conference on Regional Science

Sustainability, water and territory: regional strategies for the challenges of the 21st century

16-18 October 2024, Cuenca, Spain


MRTT XXII Annual Meeting

20 Yeras in the European Union: Catching up, territorial policy and inequalities

17-18 October 2024, Szeged, Hungary


Journals news

Global Challenges and Regional Science

Meet Editor-in-Chief Vicente Royuela & learn more about Global Challenges & Regional Science, the official open access journal of ERSA.

Read the interview here & publish your research with us via this link!

Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of

Regional Research

Special Issue 2024 Issue 60 is now available!

See all articles here.

Review of Regional Research

Call for Papers – Spatial Contexts and Survey Data: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities in Regional Science

Guest Editors:

Julia Binder, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany

Jan Goebel, DIW Berlin – SOEP, Germany

Simon Kühne, Bielefeld University, Germany

Daniel Meyer, BBSR – Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany (Lead Guest Editor)

Antonia Milbert, BBSR – Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany

Submission Deadline: 13 December 2024

REGION Just published, Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024)

Positive Outcomes of Cross-Border Tourism Development Cooperation: A Case of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan

Imanaly Akbar, Akmaral Tazhekova, Zabira Myrzaliyeva, Bauyrzhan Pazylkhaiyr, Serik Mominov

Read the full article open access at the REGION homepage

Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP)

Latest issue: Volume 16, Issue 10, October 2024


Papers in Regional Science (PiRS)

Latest issues: Volume 103, Issue 4, August 2024, Issue 5 October 2024 & Issue 6 (In Progress) December 2024.


Romanian Journal of Regional Science


The Summer issue has been released: Vol.18, No.1, Summer, Issued June 2024


Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine (RERU)/Regional Economics and Urban Review

Read the most viewed article from RERU on a current topic, ZAN. more

Spatial Economic Analysis

Latest issue: Volume 19, Issue 3. This special issue bridges the gap between spatial and macroeconomics and contains 11 articles on spatial macro theory and their empirical applications. more

More on all ongoing journals’ calls

Calls & News

Call for Applications – Editor-in-Chief, RSPP

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) seeks candidates for the position of editor-in-chief of the official journal of the association, Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP), starting 1 January 2026 for a three-year term.

Letters of interest must be received within 14 October 2024


Call for RSAI Program Nurturing new talent 2025

Application deadline: 7 October 2024 more

Nominations for RSAI Councilors-at-large The proposals for a councilor-at-large can be sent to the address within 30 September 2024. Candidatures will have to include a professional CV and a photo. more

European Chair of Excellence on Circular Economy and Territories

First edition of its Best Master’s Thesis Award, recognizing the most innovative work in the Social Sciences and Humanities on circular economy. The prize is €500.

Application deadline: 20 December 2024 more

Online Seminar

The winner of the Roberto Camagni scholarship, Duygu Buyukyazici, will hold a seminar on the theme of ‘Has Europe Overcome the Status Quo Bias? Institutions and Circular Economy Transition in the European Regions’.

You can follow at


ERSA-RSAI Members Publish

Kolkata — The Colonial City in Transition

Reflections in Geographies of Urban India

1st Edition


Sumana Bandyopadhyay, University of Calcutta and President of Regional Science Association, India


More information from the publisher

Handbook of Social Infrastructure: Conceptual and Empirical Research Perspectives


Anna-Theresa Renner, Leonhard Plank, Michael Getzner, TU Wien, Austria

Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd

More information from the publisher

Les nouvelles proximités (The new proximities)


Catherine Gall,ETI, France

Luc Gwiazdzinski,ENSAT, France

Vincent Kaufmann,EPFL, LaSUR, France

André Torre, INRAE, France

FYP Editions

More information from the publisher

See all recent publications
New publications to share?

Your are member of the RSAI-ERSA Community and you have recently published a book, grasp this opportunity to inform us about it. We are looking for

· Books published in 2024

· Preferably written in English

Send an email to

  • Call for Professor Positions in Planning (All Levels), Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey. Application deadline: 31 October 2024.
  • Assistant Professor in Finance, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. Application deadline: 15 November 2024.
read more

If you want to share an announcement

interesting for our community,

Send us an email to

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