Job opportunity – Heterogeneous Firms General Equilibrium Model (HETFIGE). – Oferta de empleo
Una plaza de empleo por dos años.
El proyecto al que estaría ligada la plaza se llama Heterogeneous Firms General Equilibrium Model (HETFIGE). Este se centra en la modelización, estimación y calibración de modelos de equilibrio general con heterogeneidad de empresas, ya sean estáticos o dinámicos. Por lo tanto, el perfil que buscamos es alguien que sepa o de modelos teóricos (principalmente NTT, NNTT, NEG, NNEG, etc.) o que tenga una buena experiencia econométrica, preferiblemente trabajando con micro-datos de empresas, datos de comercio o datos regionales.
El proyecto se enmarca como un subproyecto de RHOMOLO y el nuevo investigador/a estará trabajando con todos los miembros del REMO team.
Os adjunto el documento con la información de la vacante. IMPORTANTE: el deadline es el 6 de Noviembre.
El enlace para aplicar está aquí:
Es importante que, antes de aplicar a esta posición en concreto, es necesario aplicar al «permanent open call for researchers FG IV». Este call está siempre abierto y es genérico para todo el JRC, por lo que incluso te pueden llamar de otras plazas que salgan para otros proyectos:
Más información:
Exploratory Research: Heterogeneous Firms General Equilibrium Model (HETFIGE)
As the science and knowledge service of the Commission, the mission of DG Joint Research Centre is to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle.
The JRC is located in 5 Member States (Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain). Further information is available at:
The Exploratory Research Programme (ER) is a strategic initiative characterised by ideas that may lead to novel results, which are going to qualitatively enrich the current scientific work at the JRC.
The JRC is offering a position for a contract agent in the context of the HETFIGE exploratory research project.
Short description of activity:
The present ER project will deal with carrying out research on heterogeneous firms, general equilibrium models with spatial interactions and assessment of the economic impact of EU cohesion policy under the RHOMOLO Action of the Regional Economics Modelling Team (REMO).
Position for:
FG IV Scientific Project Officer
The successful candidate will work on the theoretical development, the empirical implementation and parameterisation of the model. With a focus on EU regions, the candidate will contribute to the estimation the underlying structural parameters econometrically combining data from different sources (both micro and macro).
- Doctoral degree (or equivalent) in Economics or related field. As equivalent is considered University studies of at least three years attested by a diploma and at least 5 years of professional experience in a field relevant to the position.
- Theoretical or empirical research in the areas of
regional economics, economic geography, trade, or related fields is essential.
- Knowledge of statistical / econometric / modelling tools (i.e. STATA, R, GAMS) will be an advantage.
- Good oral and written communication skills in English are essential, knowledge of other languages an asset.
- Excellent record of research activities including publications in international peer-reviewed journals
In addition, the following elements will be considered as an advantage:
- Ability to work in a team and multi-cultural environment
- The candidate is expected to be creative and work independently.
The Joint Research Centre is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the diversity of its staff. It welcomes applications from women and minority groups. | |
Unit |
Space, Security and Migration
Safety and Security of Buildings (Operational)
The Scientific Development Unit of the Strategy and Work Programme Coordination Directorate is in charge of the overall JRC Exploratory Research Programme. The operational scientific research will take place in the Safety and Security of Buildings Unit.
Further information: |
Duration |
24 months |
JRC Site
Country |
Spain |
Rules and eligibility |
The candidate must be on a valid EPSO reserve list for Function Group IV contract staff or have applied to the permanent open call for researchers FG IV: us/jobs/vacancies/function-group-iv-researchers
Auxiliary contract staff: us/jobs/temporary-positions/contract-staff-members
Please note that due to the high number of applications received only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. |