
Job opportunity – transport modelling and policy analysis at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (Seville site) – Oferta de empleo

Job opportunity – transport modelling and policy analysis at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (Seville site) – Oferta de empleo

26/09/17 – The Economics of Climate Change, Energy and Transport Unit at the European Commission’s Joint Research invites applications for research staff positions.


The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission’s science and knowledge
service and it carries out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and
support to EU policy.


The Economics of Climate Change, Energy and Transport Unit at the European
Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC–Seville) plans to recruit a transport modeller
and policy analyst to contribute to their work on the economic analysis of the transport
sector and the quantitative (model-based) analysis of transport policies at EU level.

The successful candidate is expected to contribute to research projects in the field of
transport economics and engineering, with a particular emphasis on quantitative policy
analysis, in collaboration with other services of the European Commission and relevant
external academic and industry partners.

The profile of interest includes strong quantitative and programming skills and previous
experience in the fields of transport economics, modelling and engineering.

The major part of the work will focus on the assessment of EU-wide transportrelated
policy impacts. For this purpose, he/she will be involved in operating a number
of tools used within the Unit, this includes undertaking development tasks for in-house
models and also the evaluation and maintenance of tools outsourced to external partners
so that they best suit the Unit’s own modelling interests and needs.

In this context, the candidate is expected to actively contribute to the exploitation of
newer, more comprehensive, sources of data for modelling to render them
useful at a European scale (including regional and urban levels of analysis).

Examples of ongoing lines of work within the Unit to which the recruited person is
expected to contribute include the monitoring of congestion costs across Europe via
the exploitation of data from mobile devices and the evaluation of impacts of
alternative transport infrastructure policies on multi-modal accessibility levels.

Similarly, in addition to the aforementioned further development and maintenance of
modelling tools, the candidate is expected to contribute to the JRC exploratory research
agenda and to the drafting of reports and dissemination/interpretation of
relevant results to a wide potential audience (from technical experts to those closer to
policy decision-making).


The recruitment level is at Function Group IV (scientists) of the European Commission’s
Contract Agents framework.

The contract may have a maximum duration of six years, with one contract renewal
after completing the first year and another one after completing the third year. Renewals
are based on performance. The 6-year limit corresponds to the maximum a person can
work at the European Commission without holding a permanent position (links to details
on competitions for permanent positions are available at the end of this note).

Additional information about career and benefits of Contract Agents in Function Group
IV are available from here:


 Citizens of one of the EU Member States or from Associated Countries;
 Level of education, knowledge of languages, etc.:


Candidates interested in this job opportunity are encouraged to register at their earliest
convenience in the link below:
Amongst those that have registered a list of suitable candidates is drawn to be invited for
competence interviews at JRC-Seville.


More details on JRC activities and on the specifics of the recruitment procedure (including
those of permanent positions competitions) are available from here:


For further information and (if interested) letting us have your registration number
you may contact us at
Joint Research Centre
Economics of Climate Change, Energy and Transport Unit (JRC.C6)
Edificio EXPO – C/Inca Garcilaso, 3, E-41092 Seville, Spain