After the success of the previous editions in Oviedo, Plasencia, Cuenca, Zaragoza, and A Coruña, the VI edition of the Seminar for New Academic Researchers (SNAR) took place in Barcelona at the Open University of Catalonia on September 14-15, 2023.
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Opening Session |
The idea of the seminar is that young researchers share previous, current, and potential future works among all participants rather than presenting a specific research paper, with the main purpose of guiding new researchers in developing their long-term careers, as well as, receiving some information about.
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Course “How to write a publish a paper in Regional Science” | Course “How to do a Map” |
In this fully hybrid edition of the seminar (online and onsite), we presented 27 papers (8 online and 19 onsite). Additionally, we had a keynote lecture by Hug March from the Open University of Catalonia, offered two practical courses (one on ‘How to Create a Map’ and another on ‘How to Write and Publish a Paper in Regional Science’), held an informative session about opportunities for young researchers, and conducted both the opening and closing sessions.
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Keynote lecture by Hug March |
In total, more than 50 participants attended the seminar (35 onsite and 15 online). Furthermore, participants provided valuable feedback to the young researchers on their work. These 50 attendees came from 24 different universities and 7 countries, which greatly enriched the exchange of ideas for future research. As introduced in the last edition, we continued to maintain the seminar website at
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Paper Session |
The research topics covered in this edition were framed within the fields of Regional Science and Input-Output Analysis. We discussed topics of growing interest, such as spatial inequality, technological change, environmental issues, and international trade and global value chains, among others. At the end of the seminar, we did a technical excursion to the Barcelona city center.
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Group closing picture |
The sessions will be held in Sala Polivalent
(Building U, 1st Floor)
Carles Méndez-Ortega (Open University of Catalonia, Spain)
André Carrascal (University of Oviedo, Spain)
Raquel Langarita (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Fernando Bermejo Patón (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)
Fernando Rubiera Morollón (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain)
Oliver Rafaj (University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia)
Julie Wilson (Open University of Catalonia, Spain)
Carles Méndez-Ortega (Open University of Catalonia, Spain)
Josep Maria Arauzo-Carod (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain)
Pavel Bednář (Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic)
David Castells-Quintana (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
Rafael Garduño (CIDE, Mexico)
Diana Gutiérrez Posada (University of Oviedo, Spain)
Grzegorz Micek (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
Luiz C. Ribeiro (Universidad Federal de Sergipe, Brasil)
Joan Torrent-Sellens (Open University of Catalonia, Spain)
Laura Varela Candamio (University of A Coruña, Spain
09.15 – 09.30h
Opening Session | Maria Jesús Martinez Argüelles
(Vice Rector for Governance and Academic Policy, UOC) Julie Wilson (Vice Dean of Research at FEB, UOC) Carles Méndez-Ortega (Chair of the OC at VI SNAR, UOC) |
09.30 – 11:30h Paper Session I | Chair: Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod |
Mines, fields, or classrooms: the effects of primary activities on human capital in Chile | Kenneth Castillo-Hidalgo
(Autonomous University of Barcelona) |
R&D vs Territorial Cohesion EU policies: is it a new version of the ‘Penelope’s tapestry’ | Tania Fernandez García
(University of Oviedo) |
Functional upgrading and downgrading in global value chains: Evidence from EU regions using a relatedness/complexity framework | Eduardo Hernández-Rodríguez
(Utrecht University) |
Innovation perceived value through the measure territorial development | Marien Rocio Barrera Gomez
(University of Vigo) |
Smart Mobility Hub and Transport Network Resilience Assessment | Rebecca Rossetti
(University of Bologna) |
11.30 – 11.45h Coffee break |
11.45 – 13.45h Paper Session II | Chair: Fernando Rubiera |
Analysing Spatial Wealth Inequalities in European Regions | Silvia Franco Anaya
(University of Oviedo) |
Economic effect of splitting a region: A case from the south of Chile | Sebastian Ritter
(University of Barcelona) |
On Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) in healthcare waste management: a scoping review | Chiara Notarangelo
(University of Bologna) |
El origen de la riqueza de los municipios españoles: El contraste rural-urbano desde inicios del siglo XX hasta el presente | Guillermo Rodríguez López
(University of Zaragoza) |
From Red to Scarlet: Political violence against the communist tide in the Italian anomaly. | Alessio Carrozzo Magli
(University of Bologna) |
13.45 – 14.30h Lunch |
14.30 – 15.20h Course | |
How to do a Map: Visualize your data | Carles Méndez-Ortega
(Open University of Catalonia – UOC) |
15.20 – 17.00h Paper Session III | Chair: Raquel Langarita |
Wellbeing research from territorial perspective in Lithuania: sustainability approach | Gintarė Vaznonienė
(Vytautas Magnus University) |
Artificial Intelligence and its applications in regional public economics | Andrea Teira Fachado
(University of A Coruña) |
Gender equality dimension in achieving sustainable development goals | Ilona Kiaušienė
(Vilnius University) |
Subsidised school meals and child well-being: the case of Barcelona | Samuel Lado
(University of Girona) |
17.00 – 17.30h Coffee break |
17.30h – 19.10h Online Special Session I | Chair: Carles Méndez-Ortega |
The impact of digital mapping tools on commuting decision-making: A case study in Vienna | Françeska Tomori
(Rovira i Virgili University) |
Ecological Footprint balance: international analysis and drivers | Noemí Ramírez Hernández
(Rovira i Virgili University) |
Your room is ready: Tourism and urban revival | Alberto Hidalgo
(IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca) |
Clusterización para optimizar la construcción de tablas input/output del sector cooperativo costarricense, un método de dinamización para la Economía Social Solidaria | Edwin Castillo Arias
(Universidad Estatal a Distancia) |
19.15h – 20.00h Keynote Speaker Session | Chair: Julie Wilson |
A decade of smart city politics in Barcelona: a critical political ecology perspective | Hug March
(Open University of Catalonia – UOC) |
21:00h Gala dinner: Hotel Catalonia Atenas (Av. Meridiana 151, 08026 Barcelona) |
09.00 – 10.45h Paper Session IV | Chair: Fernando Bermejo |
Modelling the resilience of the retail trade sector in times of crisis: The case of Amazon in the United States | Juan Pablo Rodriguez Paredes
(Autonomous University of Madrid) |
China’s rural-urban income gap: a view of sectoral heterogeneity and income-consumption nexus | Ruixi Zhang
(University of Barcelona) |
The X-Minute City: Analysing Accessibility to Essential Daily Destinations by Active Mobility to Explore the Adaptability and the Potential Implications of the Concept in the City of Seville | Miklós Radics
(Joint Research Center) |
Digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises as an innovation process: a holistic study of its determinants | Huseyn Mammadov
(University of Urbino Carlo Bo / University of Seville) |
11.00 – 11.30h Coffee break |
11.40 – 13.00h Course | |
Opportunities for Young Researchers | R&I Unit
(Open University of Catalonia – UOC) |
13.00 – 14.00h Lunch |
14.00h – 15.30h Online Special Session II | Chair: David Castells-Quintana |
Estimating the impact of anti-corruption program and indications of corruption in Indonesia: A difference-in-differences approach | Ade Paranata
(University of Pécs) |
Urban Quality of Life in Odisha: A Geostatistical Analysis | Priyanka Chakraborty
(Rajendra University) |
Empirical study of coworking spaces in Poland. National and intra-urban distribution, location factors | Karolina Malochleb
(Jagiellonian University) |
Place-based approach to inclusive growth: a development path towards greater sustainability in Tunisia | Nessrine Abbassi
(University of Gabes) |
Droughts and productivity
Luz Yadira Gómez-Hernández
(Autonomous University of Barcelona) |
15.30 – 15.50h Coffee Break |
15.50 – 17.30h Course | |
How to write and publish a paper in Regional Science | David Castells-Quintana
(Autonomous University of Barcelona) Vicente Royuela (University of Barcelona) |
17.30h – 17.50h Closing Session
Closing session | Fernando Rubiera
(University of Oviedo) Carles Méndez-Ortega (Open University of Catalonia – UOC) Margarita Barrera-Lozano (University of Seville) |
18.30h – 20.30h Technical Excursion: Gothic and ‘Born’ areas – Barcelona City Tour |
The room will be equipped with EDUROAM network.
For those that cannot access to EDUROAM network, you can register and logging into UOC guest network. For register into UOC guest network, you must provide a name, surname, and telephone number |
SNAR Venue
C/ del Perú, 52, 08018 Barcelona – Building U, 1st Floor, Sala Polivalent (Link)
Walking path from the SNAR venue to the Hotel Catalonia Atenas (Gala Dinner)
Hotel Catalonia Atenas (Avinguda Meridiana, 151, 08026 Barcelona)