Special Issue on “Spatial Networks and Interactions of Economic Systems at the Point Level: In Memory of Professor Jesús Mur”

Special Issue on “Spatial Networks and Interactions of Economic Systems at the Point Level: In Memory of Professor Jesús Mur”
We invite submissions to a special issue of the Journal of Regional Research – Investigaciones Regionales in memory of the late Professor Jesús Mur from the University of Zaragoza. This special issue seeks to advance our understanding of spatial networks and interactions of economic systems at the point level, with a particular focus on the contributions of Professor Mur’s work to this field.
The special issue welcomes original research papers that explore various aspects of spatial networks and interactions of economic systems at the point level. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Spatial econometrics models for analyzing the dynamics of economic systems at the point level.
- The role of spatial networks in economic development and innovation.
- Spatial interaction models for assessing the impact of transportation infrastructure on regional economies.
- The effects of globalization on the spatial structure of economic systems.
- The use of geospatial data and techniques for analyzing economic systems at the point level.
We encourage papers that build on Professor Mur’s legacy and contributions to regional research, as well as those that address contemporary issues in this field. Papers should be original and not under review elsewhere.
All submissions will be subject to the standard peer-review process of the Journal of Regional Research. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via the journal’s online submission system, and should conform to the journal’s guidelines for authors.
Authors with questions about the suitability of proposed topics for this special issue are encouraged to contact the Guest Editors before June 30th, 2023, sending a short abstract of about 100 words, along with title and authorship.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: June 20, 2023
Submission Full paper: September 20, 2023
Guest Editors:
Dr. Fernando López Hernández, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Dr. Manuel Ruiz Marín, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Dr. M Luz Maté Sánchez-del-Val, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
For inquiries or questions about this special issue, please contact Dr. Fernando López at Fernando.lopez@upct.es or 11jp2023@gmail.com.
The Journal of Regional Research – Investigaciones Regionales is the flagship journal of the Spanish Regional Science Association (https://investigacionesregionales.org/en/). While being specialized in regional issues, this journal is an academic journal, where all papers are subject to a double-blind review process. The journal is full Open Access, free of charge for authors and readers. It is indexed in Clarivate’s Analytics Emerging Sources Citation Index, entering first time into JCR (WOS) for the year 2023. It is already listed in Scopus, where it is listed in the first quartile of Economics.