RSAI’s Newsletter – 21 May 2012

Dear members of RSAI,
Taking into account that nominations for Councilors to be elected at-large shall be made by the Council after solicitation of suggestions from the members of the Association ( We inform that the proposals for councilor-at-large can be send to, before the 31th of July 2012.
Best regards, Tomaz Ponce Dentinho Executive Director
RSAI members are invited to nominate distinguished scholars for consideration to become RSAI Fellows in the 2013 election. A nomination can be initiated by any member of RSAI, and consists of a letter of nomination, detailing the outstanding contributions and dedicated leadership of the nominee to the Field of Regional Science, and an up-to-date curriculum vitae. Current Fellows are not allowed to submit nominations. To ensure full consideration by the committee, these materials should be provided in electronic format (pdf preferred) by January 31, 2013 to Manfred M. Fischer, Chair 2013 Fellows Election Committee at:
A nomination of a candidate for consideration for the Award must be made in writing by the President and/or Secretary and/or Executive Officer of an official body within RSAI. The nomination must include a detailed statement of the nature of the service contribution a candidate has made to RSAI, and should be sent by 15 June 2012 to Professor Paul Dalziel at
The 9th edition of the World Congress of Regional Science Association International of Timisoara took place in Timisoara from the 9th till the 12th of May. 365 abstracts submitted from which 15% were rejected; 184 papers were uploaded and there were 212 participants from 32 countries: 37 from Romania, 22 from Japan, 16 from Germany, 15 from Italy, 14 from the United States, 12 from Spain, 9 from Brazil, 5 from Serbia,…It is important to highlight the full involvement of the West University of Timisoara, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the Timis County, the Chamber of Commerce of and Industry of Timisoara, the Municipality of Timisoara, the West Regional Agency, the Romanian Regional Science Association and the Regional Science Association International. Daniela Constatin, chairman of the Local Organizing Committee, says that there will be more good news in the years to come from East Europe.
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