Publicaciones IAES – Documentos de trabajo

Documentos de Trabajo |
WP-04/23: Spain intra-industry trade in Latin America a bilateral analysis 2011-2021 Fabio Moscoso, José E. Castellanos, Nancy Gordillo y Tomás Mancha
ABSTRACT The analysis and impact of international trade have been taking on great importance as a factor of macroeconomic prosperity; in the same way, the pattern of trade impacts the competitiveness of the country’s industries. In this sense, the simultaneous exports and imports of the same sector that determine intra-industrial trade impact on the sectoral competitiveness trough the generation of international trade of industries and products belonging to the same statistical category; then not based on the comparative advantages of international trade; but on the competitive advantages derived from the differentiation of products and added value. Under this focus, the study of intra-industry trade between Spain and Latin America during the period 2011-2021 is the basic objective of this working paper. Keywords: Competitiveness, Exports, Free Trade, International Trade, Import, Intra-Industry Trade, Trade Balance
Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social (IAES)
Universidad de Alcalá
Fac. CC. Económicas, Empresariales y Turismo
Pza. de la Victoria, 2
28802 – Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Tlf: 91-885-52-25;