Post-Doctoral Scholar opportunity in Amazon forest land-use sustainability – Call for candidates
Please find attached a call for economics postdoc candidates to work on a interdisciplinary project (Projeto Amazonia Sustentavel) on land-use sustainability in the Brazilian Amazon (Pará).
The project has strong links to the economics department at the Univesity of Sao Paulo and has a great opportunity to secure postdoc funding (6 months to 2+ years) with them from FAPESP (the Sao Paulo state research council). We are particularly very keen to bring an economist to the team who has strong quantitative skills and a broad interest in engaging with interdisciplinary analyses on human-environment relationships in the Amazon.
Kind regards, Toby
New book on Monitoring Forest Biodiversity
Toby Gardner
NERC Fellow and Darwin College Research Fellow
Conservation Science Group
Department of Zoology
University of Cambridge
Downing Street
CB2 3EJ, Cambridge
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 336675
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 336676
Pesquisador visitante
Museu Paraense Emilío Goeldi
Av. Magalhães Barata, 376 – São Braz
CEP: 66040-170 – Belém
Pará, Brazil