
Journal of Regional Research- Investigaciones Regionales Call for Papers for a Special Issue devoted to analyse the role of Cohesion Policy on building citizens’ European Identity.

Journal of Regional Research- Investigaciones Regionales Call for Papers for a Special Issue devoted to analyse the role of Cohesion Policy on building citizens’ European Identity.

The Journal of Regional ResearchInvestigaciones Regionales announces a call for papers for a Special Issue devoted to analyse the role of Cohesion Policy on building citizens’ European Identity.

The Cohesion Policy is a fundamental pillar of the principle of solidarity in the European Union. It represents about a third of the EU budget and it is likely to be the policy intervention with the highest direct impact on the everyday EU citizens lives. The Special Issue aims at assessing the impact of the Cohesion Policy on the support for the EU project. Do citizens perceive the personal benefits of the Cohesion Policy? Is that perception linked with the intensity of the policy in the region? Is the perception of the policy leading to a higher support for the EU project? How are these channels affected by regional and personal characteristics? Is the communication of the Cohesion Policy effective? Both European and national experiences are welcomed in this collective volume, which will collect papers devoted to a nowadays important topic with significant implications in a period in which the EU project is increasingly questioned by some political actors and large portions of the population.

Special Editor: this Special Issue is edited by Edoardo Mollona and Jordi Suriñach. The volume collects international works on PERCEIVE H2020 project, as well as any other work on this topic not linked with the project.

The Journal of Regional Research – Investigaciones Regionales is the flagship journal of the Spanish Regional Science Association ( While being specialized in regional issues, this journal is strongly devoted to European topics and in particular to the design and implementation of Structural Funds. It is an academic journal, where all papers are subject to a double and blind review process. The journal is full Open Access, free for authors and readers. It is indexed in Clarivate’s Analytics Emerging Sources Citation Index and in Scopus, where it is listed in the first quartile of Economics according to the 2017 CiteScore rank.

Deadlines and publication schedule

  • December 14th, 2018: Deadline for Title and Abstract (
  • January 15th, 2019: Deadline for full papers submission
  • Expected publication: Fall 2019 – Early 2020.


Submission Instructions