Oferta de empleo en la The Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano (Switzerland)

The Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano (Switzerland) invites applications from candidates of international research standing for Assistant professor in Applied Microeconomics with t enure-track.
We are seeking an individual with research interests in Applied Microeconomics, of partticular interest are the areas of regional and tourism economics. The new professor will be expected t o contribute to our undergraduate and master’s programs, supervise doctoral students, participate in the running of the Faculty and University and conduct research in the area of his/her interest. The position will be based in the Institute for Economic Research (IRE).
The candidate’s profile
The ideal candidate will be under 40 years of age. Minimum required academic qualification: a doctorate.
The candidate will have a publication record with world renowned journals and/or distinguished presses.
Teaching load
A full-time Assistant Professorship corresponds to a total of 112 teaching hours a year (4 hours a week, over two 14-week semesters: autumn and spring).
The Assistant professor should reside in Ticino (Italian-speaking part of Switzerland).
Salary and contract
Salary is within a range to be defined based on experience and qualifications. The terms of the contract are defined by the University Statutes. (http://www.usi.ch/en/struttura_l egale.htm).
Applications should be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Rico Maggi by e-mail to the address decanato.eco@usi.ch.
The application package should contain : (i) the cover letter;
(ii) a current Curriculum Vitae;
(iii) a list of publications;
(iv) a copy of representative publications;
(v) the name and contact details of three referees.
The University reserves the right to appoint by invitation or not to make an appointment.
The Università della Svizzera italiana specifically encourages female candidates to apply with a view towards increasing the proportion of female professors.
Applications received by March 30, 2013 will be given priority.
For more detailed information, please contact: Prof. Rico Maggi, e-mail rico.mag gi@usi.ch