Investigaciones Regionales- Journal of Regional Research: Call for papers for Special Issues

Call for Papers
Investigaciones Regionales- Journal of Regional Research has a multidisciplinary nature. Works generated from the perspective of economics, geography, sociology, land use planning, political science, etc. are welcome. that, due to their rigour, originality and added value, contribute to spreading new contributions and consolidating and improving the quality level of the publication.
The evaluation procedures of the works submitted to the Journal follow international standards, so that all the articles, notes and possible collaborations that their authors wish to publish are submitted to the consideration of an Editorial Board, which acts with criteria of opportunity and scientific quality and that requests at least two external anonymous evaluations for its possible acceptance.
Regular issues include Articles, Research and Methodological Notes, Book Reviews and News, and other publications. The monographic numbers collect contributions on a specific scientific theme or field, either prepared ad hoc or from meetings and seminars carried out with the collaboration of the journal itself, or of other entities and research centers. The selected texts are always submitted to a prior evaluation process. The publication of the monographic numbers is strictly subject to the interest of the subject and the quality of the collaborations.
Current Call for papers:
- Special Issue: Uncovering business and spatial dimensions of industrial districts, clusters and learning regions. This special issue is a contribution to Professor Fiorenza Belussi, to pay tribute to her academic thinking, learning and innovation in Industrial Districts/Clusters/RIS perspectives. All the information about the Call for papers here. New deadline: Dec. 15th, 2023.
- Special Issue: Well-being and Quality of Life in Latin American and Caribbean Cities: Progress and Challenges. All the information about the Call for papers here. Deadline: September 15, 2023.
- Special Issue: Long-term care and community innovation programs: composition, challenges and territorial deployment. All the information about the Call for papers here. Deadline: November 1, 2023.
- Special Issue: “Spatial Networks and Interactions of Economic Systems at the Point Level: In Memory of Professor Jesús Mur“. All the information about the Call for papers here. Deadline: September 20, 2023.