British and Irish Section
News on the Early Career Colloquium 2025
The Section was delighted to host another successful online Early Career and Doctoral Colloquium at the end of January this year. There were 24 papers presentations from early career researchers from 15 universities in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, and Greece. 14 of the 24 papers (60%) were presented by women and the research covered a broad range of topics and regions in South and Central America, South-Asia, Africa, Europe, and the US. There were sessions on spatial aspects of health and wellbeing, conflict and disasters, political economy, human capital and skills, and sustainability.
Prizes were awarded for best presentation and best paper. The winners will be invited to present their work at the Section conference in Cork in June.
The best paper prize was awarded to Harm Jan Rouwendal, a doctoral researcher at the Universty of Groningen, for a paper called “New skill adoption and cities” that finds that new technology adoption is more likely to occur in areas with higher job density.
The best presentation prize was awarded to Daragh Corcoran, a doctoral researcher at the University of Galway, for a paper called “Developing Marine Ecosystem Extent Accounts for Ireland: A Standardized Approach”. Daragh’s work has the potential to provide a better mapping of marine assets in Ireland.
Special mention in the paper category was given to Thi Tham Ta of the University of Strathclyde for an excellent paper called “The aerial bombing of Cambodia and health in the very long run” and special mention in the presentation category was given to Matt Mason of the University of Liverpool for his presentation called “Whose news feeds do the radical right reach? An analysis of immigration-related digital ads placed by radical right parties across Europe on Meta platforms”.
This event is now established in the calendar for colleagues at the start of their career in regional science and we look forward to it going from strength to strength. The Section would also like to thank the organisers of the event, Daragh O’Leary and Matt Lyons.
Chairman for RSAI-BIS
Declan Jordan