Dear Members, Dear all,
In this issue, we would like first to highlight our recent Congress held in Bratislava, last August. Our particular thanks go to the Local Organising Committee for their fabulous work before and during the Congress.
We are also happy to inform you on upcoming events from our sections as well as other events of interest for our sector. We take this opportunity to underline ERSA close collaboration with INRA in organising the workshop on "Mapping smart specialisation: Do rural regions count?" to be held in Paris, next month.
Another important point relies to ERSA willingness to alert you on interesting research opportunities.
Richard Kelly ERSA Executive Director
2012 Congress Bratislava
656 participants from 46 countries around the world.
Bratislava Congress was attended by a good mix-up of position’ and specialisation’ categories embracing all age generations. Like in our latest congress, PhD students were numerous and their input especially in the Young Scientists’ Sessions was very much appreciated by attendees.
The survey conducted after the congress outlined one more time ERSA congress platform in enhancing enriching&nb
sp; networking contacts. Next years’ congresses in Palermo (2012) and Saint Petersburg (2013) are in the mind of more than 80% percent of the survey respondents.
Soon posted online: More details on the congress statistics and the satifaction survey.
Papers presented during the ERSA Congress book are now uploaded into RePEc

More photos & information of the Congress can be found on the ERSA Facebook HERE
EIB-ERSA Prize Winner 2012 awarded to Professor Manfred M. Fischer by Mr Remy Jacob, Dean of the EIB Institute.
1st Prize Winner:
Lionel Védrine – from INRA-UMR Cesaer in France with the paper "Allocation of European structural funds and strategic interactions: is there a yardstick competition between regions in the public aid for development?"

2nd Prize Winners: Heike Delfmann, from the University of Groningen, with the paper "Population change and new firm formation in urban and rural regions" .
Ulrich Zierahn, from the Hamburg Institute of International Economics and University of Kassel with the paper "Monocentric Cities, Endogenous
Upcoming Events
Further news of events, jobs, workshops and much more, can be found at the ERSA Homepage, click HERE
Office Activities

Calling on ERSA experts with Shipbuilding and Defence Industry experience
ERSA has been requested by the DG Enterprise (aeronautics, defence, maritime industries), to ask for experts in the areas of Shipbuilding and Defence Industry. We need you. Interested? more
Don’t forget the Cohesion Policy, call for experts from ERSA, more information here
ERSA was present at
Find the latest jobs and events going on across Europe with ERSA/INOMICS Jobs —————————————————————————
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Press Release
ERSA Members and Sections can make Press Releases on their specific activities, as well as, other events in their area, contact the ERSA Office, at