ERSA Seasonal Special 2013
Greetings from the President
Dear All,
The time has now come for me to say Thank You. My five-year term as President of ERSA ends on the 31st of December 2013. It has been a great experience and I have enjoyed a lot all the interactions with various ERSA-members over the years.
I now want to thank our Executive Director Richard Kelly, our Congress Manager Maristella Angotzi, the EOC members, the ERSAC members, all ERSA-sections and all the ERSA-members for all the good and fruitful co-operation during the past five years.
I also want to extend my thanks to RSAI, the EIB, the Urban Economics Association and many other associations that I have had the privilege to cooperate with.

Jouke van Dijk and Charlie Karlsson
I leave the presidency of ERSA in a very good mood, since I know that ERSA from the January 1st 2014 will be in very good hands when Professor Jouke van Dijk who takes over as ERSA president. I have known Jouke for many years, I know his competence and capacity and I am fully convinced that ERSA will prosper with him as president during the coming five years. I am also glad that we can welcome a new very qualified vice president for ERSA, Professor Andre Torre.
What remains for me now is to wish the whole ERSA community, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Charlie Karlsson
Professor/Out-going President of ERSA
HOT NEWS: Free online Journal "REGION" to be launched in 2014
ERSA and the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration are pleased to announce a joint
with a FREE Online Journal called "REGION".
The journal will publish its first issue in 2014 and is supported by seed funding provided by the Austrian Science Foundation, FWF.
"REGION" will publish top-quality peer-reviewed articles in Regional Science, Regional Economics, Economic Geography and related fields.
In cooperation with the WU, funding provided by FWF, and the support from an enthusiastic, young team of editors and a top quality international editorial board, ERSA is confident to establish REGION as the flagship journal of European Regional Science over the coming years.
Subscribe to the latest news of the journal.
click HERE

ERSA and the LOC of the St Petersburg Congress in 2014, are pleased to announce that we are to be associated with the
EU-Russia Year of Science 2014.
The EU-Russia Year of Science 2014 is a joint initiative of the EU-Commission and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation organised with the EU Member States across the EU and Russia.
Its objective is to highlight the achievements and the potential of the rich
science and research cooperation between Russia and Europe.

Calls: Reminder
Call for Abstracts and Papers
We're excited to announce the launch of the CALL for abstracts / papers, to the ERSA Congress 2014 in St Petersburg .
The Scientific Committee will review the abstracts and the papers all together at the same time.
For more details on the guidelines for the different types of submissions, please click here
Deadline: 28th February 2014
Call for Special Session proposals
The Local Organising Committee would like to give you the opportunity to make a proposal for a Special Session Topic. You can choose one topic from the list of Special Session Topics or propose another topic. The Local Organising Committee is particularly interested in receiving proposals on:
– Cooperation of the regions and cities
– Best practices for regional and urban development
Feel additional information click here . Feel free to contact as soon as possible should you have any question.
The ERSA Baltic Section held its first event on 28-29th of November 2013.
"Rethinking Regional Competitiveness".
This conference will be held in Siauliai, Lithuania. Click HERE for more information
Italian Section – New President of the Section
In the elections of the Italian Section, there has been a newly elected President, this being Professor Fabio MAZZOLA, we wish him all the best for the coming years.
Further information click HERE
Polish Section – Conference in April 2014
The conference concerns theoretical and practical aspects of the cohesion policy in the period 2004-2013 in transnational, national, regional and local depiction.
Read more about it HERE .
Portuguese Section – 19th Workshop APDR
Held at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Faro (Portugal), 29th November 2013 – the title was on "Resilient territories: innovation and creativity for new modes of regional development".
Read more about it HERE .
LATEST NEWS on the 4th ERSA Workshop on "Regional and Urban Economics: Agglomeration Economies", at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Barcelona.
AQR-IREA hosted the Workshop on Agglomeration Economies on November 28th-29th 2013 in Barcelona. During two days we had cutting-edge research papers focused on agglomeration economies presented……..Further information HERE
Other News from Spain:
The XXXIX Conference of Regional Studies was organized by REGIOlab-Regional Economics Laboratory (University of Oviedo), the FUO-University of Oviedo Foundation, and the Asturian Section of Spanish Regional Science Association (AAsCR-AECR).
Further information HERE
23rd SRA-Europe Conference Analysis and Governance of Risks Beyond Boundaries 16-18 June 2014, Istanbul, TURKEY
Joint Special Symposium of Society for Risk Analysis Europe (SRA-E) and European Regional Science Association (ERSA)
Further information HERE

10th World Congress of the RSAI in Bangkok Thailand May 27-29, 2014
Dear Sir/Madams,
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) will hold its 10th World Congress in Bangkok, Thailand May 27-29, 2014. We anticipate this to be a major event bringing together regional and urban researchers and policy makers and analysts from the all over the world.
The Congress will feature several world-renowned keynote speakers on cutting-edge urban and regional science and policy issues, expert panels, research presentations and posters.
Further information click HERE
Summer School 2014 still to come …..
Location is at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Institute of Socio--Economic Geography and Spatial Management.
Proposed Dates: 5th -13/14th July 2014
AESOP news
Call for hosting AESOP Heads of Schools Meeting 2015
AESOP is looking for the candidates willing to host AESOP Heads of Schools Meeting in 2015. The candidate has to be AESOP member institution. Application Guidelines for hosting AESOP 2015 Heads of Schools Meeting
The European Real Estate Society's Annual Conference is the primary event of the Society. The ERES Annual Conference provides an open forum for the exchange of ideas and the dissemination of research in areas such as real estate finance, economics, appraisal, investment and asset management.
ERES Conference 2014 – Bucharest, Romania.25th – 28th June 2014
ERSA membership has a value!
Become a member before making your registration and benefit from members' rates! For more details of
RSAI Personal Membership, click HERE.
To get extensive information on the benefits of membership, please feel free to contact RSAI (, one of the 18 ERSA Sections or the ERSA office (

ERSA Office
34 Voie du Roman Pays, L1.03.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: +32 (0)10 47 43 62