ERSA e-News issue N° 7/2013
Grazie Palermo
842 participants from all over the world (more on the profile of participants)
I am delighted to report that our 53rd ERSA Congress was an outstanding success. I'm basing this impression not only on the positive feedback we received from participants in our satisfaction survey, but also on the energetic feel of the whole event. Once more, our landmark event was attended by many participants from outside Europe, confirming that is for sure a truly international gathering of the Regional Science Academic Community. Thanks to our Local Organising Committee of University of Palermo and more particularly to Fabio Mazzola Chair of the LOC for the smooth run of the Congress as well as for the Italian warm and friendly atmosphere! Last but not least, a big thank you to all of you who contributed in moving forward Regional Science
Richard Kelly
Executive Director
ClickHEREfor the Congress Photos
EIB-ERSA Prize Winner at the Congress 2013
EIB-ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2013, is awarded to Professor Börje Johansson
The 2013 European Investment Bank (EIB)-European Prize in Regional Science is awarded to Professor Börje Johansson, who is a Professor of Economics at the Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) and guest professor at the division of Economics at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (KTH). At the same place he is also director of CESIS, Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies, sharing his time between KTH and JIBS.
Further information click HERE
ERSA e-News issue N° 7/2013
New ERSA President elected
This year the ERSA Congress setting was also the place for electing the next ERSA Presiden and Vice-¨President. We had an unanimous decision in the ERSAC meeting of electing, Professor Jouke VAN DIJK, as the next President of ERSA and Professor André TORRE as the next Vice-President, both terms starting in January 2014.

Professor Charlie KARLSSON congratulating his successor Professor Jouke VAN DIJK, on becoming the next President of ERSA.
Click HERE to see some of the Photos taken at the ERSA Congress
New Sections in ERSA and RSAI
At this years' Congress in Palermo, ERSA is pleased to announce that we had an unanimous decision on the formation of a Baltic Section, it will incorporate the countries of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
Read more about it HERE.
ERSA 3rd International Workshop
In collaboration with Niederrhein Institute for Regional and Structural Research (NIERS),
ERSA is organising its 3rd International Workshop, on the topic of "Higher Education Institutions and Regional Development" to be held on
October 14th-15th, 2013.
Read more about it HERE.
French Speaking Section
CALL – 5th Euro-Mediterranean Doctoriades, 17 & 18 October 2013, Toulon in France
Ph.D. Students who are interested
must submit the entire paper, even in a draft version,
in French or in English.
Students may send their proposals to:
before the 10th of September 2013
Further information on the ERSA Website, HERE
Hungarian Section
CALL "Evolutionary Economic Geography in Central and Eastern Europe" November 11-15, 2013, Budapest
Further information on the ERSA Website, HERE
ERSA 4th International Workshop
In collaboration with the AQR, IREA and the Faculty of Economics and Business, at the University of Barcelona, is presenting a workshop on "Regional and Urban Economies: Agglomeration Economies"
November 28th-29th, 2013
Further information HERE
ERSA membership has a value!
Become a member before making your registration and benefit from members' rates! For more details of
RSAI Personal Membership, click HERE.
To get extensive information on the benefits of membership, please feel free to contact RSAI (, one of the 18 ERSA Sections or the ERSA office (

EPAINOS Winners at the Congress
1st Prize Winner
Daniel Da Mata – from the University of Cambridge with his paper on "Disentangling the Causes of Informal Housing"
Epainos 2013 Runners Up
Mrs Mara Giua from the Rome Tre University , with the paper "Spatial discontinuity for the impact assessment of the EU Regional Policy. The case of Italian Objective 1 regions."
Mr Stuart McIntyre from the University of Strathclyde with the paper "PERSONAL INDEBTEDNESS, COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS AND THEFT CRIME"
REPEC – All the Congress papers will be in the REPEC system in the coming weeks.
A big thank you to the University of Palermo, the Associations, the Partners / Exhibitors and YOU (the delegates) who attended the Congress in Palermo!
Urban Economic Association, EIB Institute, World Bank, OECD, International Monetary Fund, AESOP, the International Federation for Housing and Planning, the European Real Estate Association, Bank of Italy, European Commission and many more….

Liverpool University Press
Edward Elgar Publishing
ERSA President in Luxembourg attending the ESPON Conference
ERSA representatives attended the ESPON Conference with other associations from Europe…this was a great success for all concerned.
One of the evenings both the ERSA & AESOP Presidents signed the "Memorandum of Understanding" in Luxembourg, in bridging the gap between our two associations…click HERE
ERSA President and the Executive Director in Lisbon
The ERSA team visited the local team (Prof. Tomaz Ponce Dentinho and Prof.Francisco Cruz) for the Lisbon Congress in 2015…a great location, lovely food and plenty to see, in 2 years time!
ERSA Office
34 Voie du Roman Pays, L1.03.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: +32 (0)10 47 43 62
Resumen del congreso de la ERSA en Palermo: 27-31/8/2013
El congreso de Palermo ha tenido 1.100 papers enviados y finalmente hay 850 papers que se presentan y aproximadamente 900 participantes. Bastantes participantes de países mediterráneos, que era el tópico del congreso.
Se ha creado una nueva sección en los países Bálticos (Letonia, Estonia y Lituania).
Jouke van Dijke es el nuevo ERSA President y André Torre el Vicepresidente.
Se está en proceso de creación de una revista de la ERSA que se llamará Region especialmente pensada para jóvenes investigadores.
Próximos congresos: el 2014 en Petersburgo y el del 2015 tendrá lugar en Lisboa.
Summer Schools:
– La Summer School del 2013 ha tenido lugar del 1 al 8 de Julio en Suecia: 60 demandantes, 30 participantes, 13 profesores. Todo muy bien. Martin Anderson, responsable de la Summer School de Suecia, comenta la diversidad en la calidad de las presentaciones de los asistentes.
– La Summer School del 2014 está prevista que tenga lugar en Póznan (Polonia).