– – – – Congress highlights and registration – – – –
Keynotes and Figures
Once more a very promising ERSA gathering
- With this Year's high-level Speakers line-up for the Plenary Sessions including:
Zoltan Acs Susan Christopherson
Kevin Stolarick Michael Storper Natalya Zubarevich
- Over 1100 submitters and 1260 abstracts/papers received
- Authors from 57 countries around the world
A part from whole Europe, significant participation expected from United States, Japan, Brazil, South Korea, Israel, China, Canada Mexico and Maghreb countries
Not to mention the foreseen huge participation from Russian Scientists
- Over 200 PhD Students are expected to be in St Petersburg
EIB Roundtable Highlight
28th August 2014
A conversation on smart cities with the participation of
- Brian Field, European Investment Bank (Confirmed)
- Prof. Ruth Rettie,Professor Strategy, Marketing and Innovation, Kingston Business School, Kingston University (Confirmed)
- Dr Rick Robinson, Executive Architect, Smarter Cities, IBM Europe (Confirmed)
- Bob Mantel, Physical Planning Department, Amsterdam City (TBC)
- Martin Powell,Executive Manager, Smart Cities, Siemens Europe (TBC)
Secure your participation.
Register now

Benefit from the advantageous rates. Register by the
31st May
Marvellous St Petersburg!
ERSA Congress 2014
— NEWS on ERSA Journal —
The announced peer-reviewed, open access journal published by ERSA in cooperation with WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) and with financial support by FWF (Austrian Science Fund) is now launched online.
REGION is 100% open access:
» free for readers and
» free for authors
Get Submitting
ERSA & AESOP – Lecture Series
AESOP continues its Lecture Series and ERSA is delighted to be working with them as a new partner in this activity.
The first Lecture within the new framework is an exceptional event hosted by Vienna University of Technology celebrating this year its Jubilee – 200 years. The title of the event is
"Evolution of Planning Thought Lecture Series" and take place in Vienna from 19-23 May 2014.
Further details can be found here

Sessions' Content Highlight
Presentations will encompass important subjects such as, for example:
- Labor markets through the lenses of Regional Sciences
- Best practices in regional and urban policy
- Institutional factors in Regional Development
- Modelling and spatial econometrics
- Sustainable development
- Transport
- Spatial perspective on inequality, poverty and policy
- Regional dynamics: transition, collaboration and beyond
- Innovation in space, clusters and through networks
- Urban economics
Join them on ERSA 2014 International platform and promote your brand, services/Products as well as Projects. Download here our Exhibition and Sponsors' brochure 2014
Urban Economic Association,
EIB Institute, OECD, AESOP,
the European Real Estate Association
VISA support documents – Hotel Accommodation and Optional Tours
- In order to have access to Monomax services, you will need to register (create your account) via the Monomax Online registration system
- For more details click here.

— Other Upcoming events—-
ERSA 27th Summer School 2014
Poznan, Poland, 2-9 July 2014
Application Deadline is extended until the 1st of May, 2014 More
10th World Congress of the RSAI in Bangkok Thailand,
May 27-29, 2014
Spanish Section
The Spanish Section of ERSA is hosting an International Conference on
"Financing and the role of the regions and towns in the economic recovery", held in Zaragoza, Spain.
Here is the link of the English version:
Important dates:
Abstracts: 15 May 2014
Abstract acceptance: 31 May 2014
Paper: 30 September 2014
Final acceptance: 15 October 2013
Regular Payment Period: 31 October 2014
Extra Payment Period: 21 November 2014
German Speaking Section
7th Summer Conference in Regional Science, Marburg, Germany, June 26-28, 2014.
Call for Papers
Joint International Summer Conference organised by The Gesellschaft für Regionalforschung (GfR), the German speaking section of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the Working Group for Economic Geography and Location Research at the Philipps University Marburg. More
ERSA membership has a value!
Become a member before making your registration and benefit from members' rates!
For more details of RSAI Personal Membership, click HERE.
To get extensive information on the benefits of membership, please feel free to contact the ERSA Office (info@ersa.org), or one of our 18 ERSA Section Representatives, and/or RSAI (rsai@apdr.pt).
ERSA Office
34 Voie du Roman Pays, L1.03.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: +32 (0)10 47 43 62