Call for papers of Regional Science Inquiry (RSI)

Call for Papers
Regional Science Inquiry (RSI) is currently accepting manuscripts for publication in the issue following the next one. RSI publishes high-quality papers, written in English, in a wide range of academic areas, including regional science, economics, geography, urban planning, international politics, etc. All papers will be peer-reviewed. RSI produces two issues per year, December and June.
Papers considered for publication in the RSI Journal should be sent electronically to the address below at least three months before the next issue and should be in accordance with the authors guidelines, as those specified in our website.
The benefits of publishing in the RSI include:
1. Fast publication times: Papers are instantly issued online upon acceptance
2. Excellent editorial standards
3. Free color in electronic version
4. Free on-line access
5. Fast and constructive peer review process
6. RSI is indexed in the following databases:
Journal of Economic Literature (EconLit)
Regional Science Association International (RSA I)
7. All abstracts and full text are available free on-line to all main universities/insti-tution, ensuring promotion to the widest possible audience.
8. Authors receive a free printed issue
This call for papers regards the June 2013 issue ( RSI J, Volume V, Number 1 ) and the deadline for submission is February 28 of the same year.
Submission guidelines are in the webpage:
Papers shall be submitted by e-mail to the following address: