Call for papers | 11th World Congress of the RSAI, April 25-28, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey

Call for Papers
11th World Congress of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI)
April 25-28, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the Turkish Regional Science Association (Bölge Bilimi Türk Milli Komitesi – BBTMK) invite regional scientists, economists, economic geographers, urban planners, policy makers, and researchers of related disciplines to participate in the 11th World Congress of the Regional Science Association International. The Congress will be hosted by the Turkish Regional Science Association.
The Congress will feature several world-renowned keynote speakers on cutting-edge urban and regional science and policy issues, expert panels, research presentations and posters. It will be attended by 500 delegates from the worldwide community of regional scientists.
A new prize, 'RSAI Young Researchers Prize' will be given for the first time at the RSAI World Congress 2016 in Istanbul. . Please find attached a document about this Prize. This information can be also found on the RSAI website:
The conference will be open to different research topics within the broader contours of the regional science, urban and regional studies, geographical sciences and planning, and development. Anticipated sub-themes of the congress include the following:
• Geographical information science and spatial analysis • Spatial econometrics • New frontiers in regional science: theory and methodology • Infrastructure, transportation and communication • Land use, real estate and housing markets • Facility location modeling • Tourism, cultural industries and regional development • Urban governance and cities regeneration • The computable city • City systems and systems of cities • Spatial organization and social media • Territorial marketing • Advances in I-O and CGE modeling • Food security • Global cities • Southeast Asian regional economic integration • Politics, ethnicity, and empowerment
We invite formal paper presentations as well as posters (deadline of November 29th, 2015). Organizers of special session are also welcome. The abstract submission portal is now open. Full information on the venue, abstract submission, registration, schedule of events, accommodation and travel information is posted at
Feel free to contact the secretariat of the Congress at and to the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee for further information.
We look forward to welcoming you in the dazzling city of Istanbul in April 2016.
With warmest regards,
Tüzin Baycan
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee