APDR’s Workshop “Resilient territories: innovation and creativity for new modes of regional development” – Abstract submission October 12

"Resilient territories: innovation and creativity for new modes of regional development"
The conference intends to contribute for the definition and advancing of the scientific agenda in the topics of resilience, innovation and regional creativity. The stabilization of this agenda and the informed discussion about different conceptualizations is crucial for the alignment and engagement of the scientific community in the study of these crucial topics. The conference is also focused in informing policy and decision-makers, in different levels of action, about the advancements of conceptualization in these domains. This may have relevant impacts in the process of planning, designing new policy measures and instruments, specifically for the implementation of Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialization (RIS 3), that can help the construction of more resilient territories in Europe.
This workshop also integrates a focus group discussion about “Human Capital and Related Variety in the Maritime Economy” developed by HARVEST Atlantic – Harnessing all resources valuable to economies of seaside territories on the Atlantic, project co-financed by the European cooperation program INTERREG Atlantic Area, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
For more information see: http://www.apdr.pt/evento_19/index.html
Thank you for your kind attention and support. We look forward to meet you at the conference.