
REMINDER 2019 Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics – Call for Papers

REMINDER 2019 Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics – Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues,

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and the research group AQR-IREA announces the 2019 Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics and VII JRC Regional Modelling Workshop, to be held in Barcelona on October 24th – 25th, 2019.


The workshop will be focused on economic modelling, regional and territorial analysis, and the assessment of the spatial impact of policies. Methodological and empirical contributions will be welcomed. Studies based on Computable General Equilibrium and Macroeconometrics models will be preferred, although other approaches might be considered as well.


(call for papers pdf version here)


Keynote Speakers:

Román Arjona (Chief Economist, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission)
Alexander Lembcke (Economist, OECD)


We will accommodate around 8-10 papers, to be presented in plenary sessions that will complement the keynote speakers presentations.

Key dates:

Deadline for papers submisions: September 6th, 2019
Notification of acceptance: September 16th, 2019
Preliminary programme: September 25th, 2019
Regsitration opens: September 26th, 2019
Final programme: October 2nd, 2019
Registration close: October 17th, 2019

For further information, please visit the workshop website or contact to or

Please, feel free to distribute this announcement.

We look forward for your participation at the Workshop!

Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and AQR-IREA Research Group