Workshop Series on Migration, Globalization and the Knowledge Economy

Dear friends and colleagues,
Before you start your deserved holidays break, I would like to bring to your attention the Workshop Series (4 workshops) we are launching on the topic of high skilled migration and its relationship with knowledge creation, diffusion, entrepreneurship, international business, innovation, and more. The 4 workshops are commonly organized by CEPII, EPFL, PSE, Utrecht, ICRIOS-Bocconi, and GREThA-Université Bordeau.
The first edition of the workshop will be on November 28, 2018, in Paris (CEPII premises). Other cities will follow (Utrecht (Spring 2019), Milan (Spring 2020) and Bordeaux (Fall 2020)).
The call for papers is now open (until September 16) and available here and in attached pdf.
Each workshop will consist of a 1-day plenary session with presentations and discussions, opened up by a keynote speaker. The keynote speaker of the Paris workshop will be William Kerr, from Harvard Business School.
We aim to attract both senior and junior scholars dealing with research topics such as the role of high-skilled migration in fostering innovation in receiving countries, the relationship between diversity and innovation, the role of skilled diasporas and return migrants in diffusing knowledge back to their home countries, the emerging role of MNC in shaping scientists’ and engineers’ migration flows as well as temporary migration and knowledge sharing, migration and innovation-based start-ups formation, regions and mobility, and so forth.
Both full papers and extended abstracts (around 2-3 pages) can be submitted. Registration is free for all participants. Coffees, lunches and one social dinner will be offered by the organization. Travel and accommodation costs of one speaker per accepted paper will be covered by the organization depending on budget availability. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by the series organizers and the scientific committee, and around 10 papers will be accepted.
We’ll be delighted if you can join us in Paris this November, as well as in the forthcoming cities.
Thank you for sharing this call among your network, and hope to see you soon!
All the best,
Ernest Miguelez
Recent research –>
CNRS Research Fellow (Chargé de recherche)
Université de Bordeaux
av.Léon Duguit, 33608 Pessac cedex (France)
tel. +33 (0)5 56846270 / room E332d (3rd floor)